“Everything all right?” I asked when she didn’t turn to look at me.
“Is this what it’s like, being rich? You have to put up gates so no one can get in? Security systems on your house? You have to worry about people trying to rip you off all the time?”
I thought about her questions for several seconds before responding. “I suppose in some ways. Let me ask you this: when you moved into your apartment, did we not purchase and install several additional locking mechanisms for your entry door?”
“We did.”
“What about Stave, does it have an alarm system?”
“It does.”
“And the Olallieberry Diner?”
“Yes, and I see your point.”
“Sadly, there are people in the world who believe they are entitled to what others have worked very hard for.” I’d never considered wanting to the make the world a better place for someone. I did for Sam. I suppose parents felt that way too. I know I would if she and I had kids. I glanced over at her.Whenwe had kids.
I couldn’t accept anything else besides a life with Sam. If we couldn’t conceive, we’d adopt.
She sighed. “You’re right.”
“I’ll make you a promise.”
She looked over at me and smiled.
“I will always keep you safe, Samantha.”
“I know you will, Beau.”
“We’ll just be a minute or two,” I told Grayson, the valet, when I pulled up to the inn and got out. He and the other guys who worked at the inn had grown accustomed to me getting Sam’s door and ceased attempting to beat me to it.
I grasped the handle to open it for her when something caught my eye. A man ducked inside and out of sight quickly, but not before I got a good enough look at him to recognize he was the same one we’d seen seated at the bar in the pub.
“How do you feel about cats?” I asked Grayson.
“I have one.”
I motioned him closer and handed him a fifty and the room key. “There’s a carrier near the door, and you’ll see treats on the table. Use those to coax her into the carrier.”
“Anything else?”
“Toss a couple of the toys lying about in with her. Oh, and her name is Wanda.”
“You got it. Be right back.”
I motioned for Sam to wait a moment and returned to the driver’s side.
“Did you see him?” she asked when I got in.
“I did, and I asked Grayson to fetch Wanda. He’ll just be a minute. Then we’ll be on our way.”
“He looked right at me.”
As she said the words, Grayson came out the main door. I opened the back hatch, and he set the carrier inside. I thanked him, he closed the hatch, and I pulled out.
“I’m going to talk to the guys about relocating.”
“Okay.” Sam’s arms were folded, and she nodded, but otherwise, she didn’t speak again on the way to the Lilacs.