Page 71 of Beau's Beloved

My eyes opened wide at Chip’s response.

“Go on,” said Beau.

“Again, I can give you my off-the-record opinion, or I can see if I can find the answers in my father’s files.”

“Given how long that might take, we’ll hear your opinion.”

The man rubbed the back of his neck, then looked down at the table and groaned. “As hard as this is for me to say, let alone think, I have reason to believe my dad didn’t always cross his t’s and dot his i’s, if you know what I mean.”

“Do you have reason to believe the contract might be invalid?” I asked.

“If it were me, I’d ask for proof itisvalid.”

“Anything else?” Beau turned to me and asked.

“Not that I can think of.”

He stood and helped me with my chair.

“Chip, you’re a good man. I hope you do start your own firm and you are very successful at it.”

“I appreciate it.” Chip got up too and shook both of our hands again before we left.

“It’s never an easy decision when faced with honesty over loyalty,” Beau said once we were in the SUV. “There’s reason to admire both, I suppose.”

“I liked him. I think he’ll make a good attorney.”

“I would say the same. In fact, you might consider asking him to be yours.”

“What do we do about Mr. Schultz?” I asked.

“Wait for backup.”



While I hadn’t wanted to alarm Sam, two things made me respond as I had. First, the amount of money Schultz Wineries would lose if the contract was proven invalid. Second, the way the man at the pub had looked at us last night, the one Cord said he’d seen speaking with Hoss. I was convinced his venom was directed at all three of us rather than Cord alone.

Above all, I would not risk Sam’s safety. Before starting the engine, I rang Cru.

“I was just about to call you,” he said, chuckling.

“How far out are you?”

“Fifteen minutes, tops.”

“Has everyone arrived?”

“Affirmative. We’re caravanning. Change of plans?”

“Not at all. We’ll meet at the Lilacs.”

“Copy that.”

“We should stop by the inn first,” I said to Sam, who was staring out the passenger side window.

“Okay,” she murmured.