Page 55 of Tempting the Maiden

I giggled. If only hiding from the world were that easy.

“You are called to breakfast, m’lady,” Jacobs, the Winthrops’ butler, called outside.

“Tell him you’re not hungry,” Tuck whispered.

“M’lady, you are most urgently called to breakfast.”

I frowned. Jacobs’s voice was always calm and measured. Always. But now…

Tuck caught the hint too. With a quick kiss, he rolled away, grabbed a decorative sword from the wall, and hid behind the door. As soon as I had my robe tied and my hair patted down, I cracked the door open.

“Apologies, Jacobs.”

When the servant bowed, a drop of sweat fell from his forehead to the floor. And when he stood again, his eyes telegraphed Danger! Danger!

I tilted my head toward the back stairs, watching Jacobs carefully.

He shook his head, barely perceptibly, and motioned the other way. “Lady Winthrop will meet you in the great hall.”

The Winthrops were my father’s oldest, steadiest friends, and Jacobs was their oldest, most loyal staff member. I trusted him implicitly. But something was clearly wrong.

I pulled a dagger from up my sleeve, showing it to Jacobs.

His throat bobbed, and he nodded. “Yes, m’lady. Informal dress would be fine.”

My heart pounded, though I made sure to keep my voice light.

“Thank you, Jacobs. Please tell Lady Winthrop I’ll be right there.”

The moment I closed the door, Tuck and I both pressed against it, listening.

“Only Jacobs?” I whispered.

Tuck flared his nostrils. “Jacobs and two others. Humans.” He shook his head. “I don’t like this. Let’s get out of here.”

What was to like? But I had no choice.

“I’m needed in the great hall. Jacobs signaled as much.”

“What if Jacobs is another traitor?”

“If we can’t trust him, we can’t trust anyone.”

Tuck made a face. “I vote for not trusting anyone.”

It took some persuading, but Tuck finally gave in. I dressed quickly, concealing weapons as I went. Tuck pulled on his tunic, strapped the sword over it, and threw his monk’s robe over that.

“How do I look?”

I chuckled. “Like a knight hiding in a monk’s robe. But the sword doesn’t show, if that’s what you mean.”

We threw together a quick plan, then kissed. A kiss I yearned to hold for a long, long time. But today wasn’t that day, and I knew it. Today was the day that could decide not just my future, but the future of the entire land.

I left the room first, eyeing every tapestry and every niche in the hall for hidden foes, but I saw no one.

No one in the hall, I called to Tuck in my mind.

Before last night, I’d had to strain to do so. But unicorn bonds were sacred, and now, it felt as if he were right by my side.