Page 56 of Tempting the Maiden

Be careful. His reply sounded clear as a bell in my mind.

I sensed him prowling down the hall behind me, though he made no sound. My skin tingled, knowing there was a lion back there. My lion.

That, at least, made me smile.

A smile that faded the moment I entered the great hall.

Guards stood in each corner of the room, not bothering to hide their swords. Lady Winthrop sat in her usual spot, but her back was as stiff as a pole. Her eyes met mine, then bounced back to the man slouched lazily in Lord Winthrop’s chair.

My step hitched. Prince John?

Behind me, the huge double doors closed with a bang.

“Ah, the fair Maid Marian,” Prince John called.

Ignoring him, I walked directly to the lady of the house, bowed, and took her hand. “Good morning, m’lady.”

“Good morning, my dear.” She forced a tight smile.

“And Lord Winthrop…is he well?” I ventured.

Prince John cackled. “He is…for now.”

I turned, making sure my eyes didn’t drift to the chapel on the right, then forced myself to dip into a teensy, tiny bow. That was the prince, after all.

I’d met him several times, and every time, I was reminded of his brother, the king. They had the same boxy beard, the same V-shaped eyebrows, the same strong nose. All in all, the prince was a lot like Richard — but less in every way. Less tall. Less commanding. Less handsome. Less knightly, if there was such a thing.

On the other hand, he scored much higher on other scales — those that measured greed, selfishness, and cruelty.

I bristled. “What do you mean, Lord Winthrop is well for now?”

Prince John burst out laughing. “My dear Marian, straight to business, as always.”

I formed my hands into fists, barely holding back that I was neither his nor dear.

“Women should concentrate on what they were born for,” the prince lectured. “Business is neither fitting nor becoming of the fair sex — even a woman as ravishing as you.”

My hackles rose at fair sex, but ravishing sent ice sliding down my spine.

I faked a bored sigh. “Well, you know how it is. It’s all work, work, work for those of us who serve our country, especially in the absence of our beloved king.”

His eyes flashed, but before he could spit whatever poison formed on his tongue, the guard in the nearest corner drew his sword and threw open the chapel door.

“You there!” he boomed.

My heart leaped when I spotted Tuck there, ready to fight. Thank goodness for Lady Winthrop’s quick wits.

“Don’t you dare enter my private chapel!” she admonished the guard. “And don’t you dare interrupt a man of God going about his holy mission!”

The guard looked doubtful, because other than the clothes, Tuck was all knight. But the prince couldn’t see Tuck from where he was seated, and he waved the guard down.

“Leave him. Besides, Lord Winthrop might be in need of his services soon. One last time.”

I glared.

The guard slid the door shut, but it rolled back a few inches. I couldn’t see much of the chapel, but that sliver was enough for Tuck to peer at us. I heard the pew creak as he knelt, pretending to pray.

Prince John’s eyes crawled over every inch of my body, and he flashed a lecherous smile.