“We’re here tonight, in the dark of the moon, to expose secrets and learn what we need from our ancestors, which will help us defeat the witches.”
Rafe bent down to light the bonfire. I had placed fueled material in the center to help and had placed kindling and smaller branches inside to help the flames take hold.
There was no breeze, and the air was cool, which made a good night for the bonfire.
Rafe scraped the match on the side of the box, flicking it to the material. Flames burst to life, sending Rafe scuttling backward to avoid being burned.
The heat was intense from the first flames as they burned through the fuel and then started on the kindling. I watched, mesmerized by the color, how the flames moved, and how much they licked at the wood, wanting to destroy it.
The crackling sounds from the burning wood were soothing to my soul. It didn’t take long for the flames to settle, to get hold of the thicker logs and begin to burn them.
Rafe turned and faced us, his face flushed from the heat.
“I call those who were part of the Moon Pack, who reside in the spirit plane, to come forward to help us.”
Rafe paused, his hands moved upward, and he tilted his head back to the sky.
“Come forth. We need your guidance and support to survive.”
Sparks darted out from the fire as logs collapsed in on the center.
“Warm yourself with the flames, under the power of the dark moon, come to us.”
The flames continued to flicker, eating at the wood, sparks flying up in the air with the tendrils of smoke.
To me, it seemed like an ordinary bonfire. Was this something like a hoax? I wouldn’t put it past Rafe, but this was taking things too far. He was going to fail and risk his position in the pack.
His hands dropped to his sides, and he turned to look at the fire.
“As the wolf runs in me, he still runs in you. Come to us.” He threw a handful of dirt into the fire.
“The earth calls you. Answer with your knowledge. Show us through the flames. What do we need to do to successfully defeat the witches?”
Rafe stepped forward, held out his hand, and passed it through the closest flame.
I inhaled sharply. He didn’t flinch with pain and passed his hand through the fire again.
“With the blood we share, answer our call.”
Rafe held his arm in the flames. Could this be something I would do in the future if I became alpha?
“Let our wolves call each other to bring you back to us. Our ancestral spirits, we call on your wisdom. What do we need to know?”
The color of the flame flickering over Rafe’s hand changed to a deeper red hue for a moment.
“Help us to keep the tradition of the pack alive,” added Rafe. “What do we need to do?”
The flame’s color deepened again to a red hue, this time maintaining the altered tone.
“What say you?”
A sudden gust caught up around us, stirring the top layer of soil, whipping in a fast circular motion, gathering speed, and pulling in the flames.
Something had arrived. But what?
I halfway closed my eyes against the grit in the air, trying to see what was causing this disruption to the energies.
Rafe remained standing, hand in the flames as if it had no painful effect on him.