Page 91 of Dark Moon Secrets

Then the flames took shape, and a wolf image formed, flickering in the redness.

I couldn’t believe it. Rafe had done it. He had called the ancestral spirits.

“Speak to me.”

The flames changed form again, this time to human, arms reaching out and touching Rafe on the head.

I expected him to catch on fire, to start screaming with agony, but that didn’t happen.

We hear you and answer your call.

Did I hear that correctly?

I wasn’t so sure.

I’d never had a voice like that in my head. It sounded like pack, but at the same time, it wasn’t pack. And with my sensitivity to being cut off from the pack, did I trust what I heard?

No notable change in Rafe, I turned to my left. Pack members stood, eyes wide, some mouths agape. If they had heard the same words, they didn’t say anything.

“What say you?” asked Rafe.

His voice turned my attention back to him.

Who you seek is no friend.

The voice was in my head again. But this time, it was different. A pain ached in my head and nearly brought me to my knees.


I managed to answer back to whoever was talking to me.

The one who deceived you.

Yeah, would’ve thought that obvious.

What was with the riddles? And the pain worsened the longer this went on. My hands went to the sides of my head, pressing in as if that would help.

It’s not who you think it is. You need to be careful.

I exhaled sharply, not sure I could take any more of this voice in my head. I couldn’t even tell if the other pack members were experiencing something like I was or if this was just special treatment for myself.

Get to the fucking point.

They will want to take from you what you value the most. But you must work out who it is or pay the price.

Give me more than that.

I went down on one knee, fighting the growing pain in my head.

So many possibilities for the future. This is the way the message must be said. You are to find him, the one who betrayed the pack. That is your journey. He will take her away from you if you don’t.

It’s a he, then.

A he, not a friend, part of the pack. You know them, but you don’t really know them.

I wanted to scream to get them out of my head, but I needed more.

Just tell me who it is.