Page 102 of Dark Moon Secrets

“And we will,” huffed Willow as if she’d been caught out telling a lie.

“So, it’s not all about me then.”

“You still need to do as we say.”

“Why? Maybe I’ll go back with my friends. They’ll take me away from here if I ask them to.”

“It will take longer for you to heal without us, dear, so please don’t do that,” said Luna, leaning in closer to me.

I suppose my injuries would be hard to explain. Once more, I was staying. But then I couldn’t go without seeing Al again, more so to give him a piece of my mind for not telling me what he really was. Who did he think he was taking advantage of me like that? But more so, I wanted to thank my wolf for coming to help me.

“Tanjie, the coven has agreed to hold your ceremony next month.”

“You should’ve completed it tonight,” I answered bitterly. “Then I wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“Be that as it may, there are a lot of factors at play here.”

“Convenient,” I muttered under my breath.

“You will go through a cleansing to remove the wolf energy from your own and continue learning with Luna.”

Did I want that? Could they even do that?

I was getting tired. The conversation was wearing me out.

“You must not see Al again.”

“Fine,” I lied. I would see whoever I wanted.

“You must listen. We want everything to align for the next dark moon so you can receive your full powers. Goodness knows, with the wolf packs fighting and now the attack on you, you’re going to need strong magic,” said Willow.

“Do I have to complete the ceremony? Isn’t my magic strong enough now?”

“Yes, because you have the potential to be stronger. It will be worth it.”

I hoped so because so far, it had landed me with damaged arms and ignited my desire to leave here again.

“Plus, the ceremony must be completed to find your unique skill. Everyone has one.”

I didn’t care about a special skill. I was so far behind in learning the magic I needed, it didn’t seem important to me.

“And my arms, will the damage stop the magic?”

“No, not with Pepper looking after you,” said Willow. “That’s her special skill, healing. We need to find yours, which is why you’ll complete the ceremony next dark moon.”

“So I’m part of the coven.” The feeling of elation I was now in a coven and considered a witch was lacking.

“Welcome, Tanjie, to the Blue Wren coven,” said Willow, her voice lacked emotion.

“You can do better than that, Willow,” reprimanded Luna.

“I’m distracted, and we need to work out who is going to spy on the wolf packs and find out what is really going on.”

Luna sighed heavily. “I guess it was inevitable that peace would end after so many years.”

“At least we have Tanjie now. That’s if she can follow our instructions.”

I narrowed my eyes at Willow. “Maybe there needs to be more clarity around the instructions.”