“You need to rest now,” added Pepper.
No way was I resting until this was all sorted. I went to sit up again, but Pepper was by me, gently pushing me back. I didn’t have the strength to fight her.
“You’re all stressing her out too much. Tanjie, they are sure of your alliance now, and that is all that matters.” Her expression seemed to plead with me to let it go.
No way was I about to. I didn’t care how much pain I was in. I always fought to have my own path in life, and I would do that right now.
“Pepper, if you want her to rest, get the tea and make it extra strength,” said Luna softly.
“Don’t go making it worse for her.” Pepper pointed to both women before leaving the room.
“Because I killed a wolf, you now trust me?” I asked, fire burning through my veins.
“Not just any wolf,” answered Willow.
My pulse increased as I stared at her.
“Why? Did he kill my parents?”
If he had, then that would end things nicely. I didn’t think I would be so lucky that my current mess would end up tied in a neat bow, at least not yet.
“I don’t know. But he shouldn’t be here in this territory of the Moon Pack.”
“What does that mean?”
“Packs have territories, and they don’t normally cross borders.”
“If they do, there are consequences like death, which is what happened a few hours ago when you killed the wolf,” added Luna.
“How is that even possible? And why did he want to kill me?”
“Because you’re a witch and also because of your potential, which is why you have to be more careful.”
Yeah, got it. Mental note—don’t go having sex with a wolf. I didn’t even want to think what I would do if I saw Al again. My logical thoughts were bursting through the pain, forming questions I had to have answers to.
“But how would the wolf know that? You’ve kept me a secret, and I haven’t undergone my initiation, which I never will now, so all this conversation is a waste of my time.”
“Exactly,” said Willow. “But he somehow knew.”
“How?” My gut twisted tight, and I guessed what they were about to say.
“Perhaps it was your indiscretion.”
It couldn’t be. Not the way my wolf was protecting me. Something else was going on. But how could I say that to them without giving away what had really happened before they got there?
“No, it’s not possible.” It was a weak answer.
“Let this be a lesson for you, Tanjie. You must obey our instructions. It’s not just your life or your magic that is at risk, but also everyone else’s.”
“But didn’t you say that the wolf I killed…” I paused as I said the words, bile rising to my mouth. I swallowed hard before continuing, “… was from a different pack?”
“He was,” said Willow.
“And weren’t they fighting, which is why you left me in the store earlier?”
I had to say I did take pleasure in seeing Willow’s expression change to a deep frown. I had just blown her theory out of the water that this was my fault.
“So there’s more happening, isn’t there?” I added. “More, which you don’t know about, but you need to find out.”