My smile falls more than a little when I see it’s not Lily.

“Hey, buddy. What are you doing here?” Gunnar calls out with a wave.

“Hey, man. I’m, ugh, just changing some lightbulbs. Lily mentioned she needed a little help.”

“Huh, normally she asks me to do that kind of stuff. Thanks for helping out,” Gunnar says with a smile.

I know it’s true, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to punch my cousin in his fucking face. He’s done being the guy Lily asks to change her lightbulbs and whatever else she’s been asking him to do for her.

“Need a hand?”

“No, thanks. This is the last one. The woman really needs to stay on top of this stuff. A bunch were out or about to go out.”

“Lily doesn’t care about this kind of stuff. The only thing she cares about is what’s in that greenhouse. Now, if a single plant had the wrong PH balance, she’d know about it. But her house could be falling down around her, and she’d be clueless until she was sitting in a pile of two-by-fours and shingles.”

As pissed as I am at Lily about not keeping herself safe by leaving out a key and not changing her lightbulbs, I don’t like Gunnar criticizing her. It takes a lot of work to keep up with an old house like this. My dad and the five of us all help to keep the house at the farm up and running. Lily’s been trying to do this all by herself.

That changes now.

“It’s not that bad. It’s just a few lightbulbs. But I don’t like her not having porch lights. Anyone could just creep up on her.”

“You should tell her that. And can I please be there when you do?” Gunnar says with a laugh.

I definitely don’t like that he thinks he knows Lily better than me, even if he is her best friend. Jacks, Gunnar, and Lily have always been tight. And I was always tagging along after them and the rest of my brothers.

Gunnar is acting like I don’t know how pissed Lily would be if I tried to tell her anything she didn’t want to hear. But he doesn’t know that I’d just have to lick her pretty, wet pussy until she saw reason. And we’d both love every second of it.

I’m frowning when another truck pulls up in front of Lily’s house. Maybe it’s Jacks or another one of my brothers here to tell me how they know Lily so much better than I do?

A smile pulls at my lips when I see that it’s Lily’s little electric blue pickup. My smile gets bigger when I see how annoyed she is to find Gunnar and me on her front porch. The frown on her face doesn’t make her look any less hot in the little jean shorts she’s wearing with a loose black tank top and light blue cardigan. Her cardigan’s long. Her jean shorts are short. I bet from the back it looks like she’s not wearing pants. I can’t wait until she’s not. Her long blonde hair is on top of her head in a messy bun. I want to tug out her scrunchie and watch it fall down over her shoulders.

She takes her time, grabbing a bunch of cloth bags from the passenger seat of her truck. Then she walks towards us, carrying an enormous, half-empty, iced coffee from Selena’s bakery in her right hand.

“What are you both doing here without calling first?” Her voice sounds shrill.

I bet she’s worried that I’ve been shooting the shit here with Gunnar, telling him how fucking good she is at taking my dick. I really should have thought of that. That would shut him up and convince him he doesn’t know Lily better than me.

“I just came by to see if you wanted to go see a movie on Saturday,” Gunnar says, frowning down at her. “And Jameson’s just here changing your lightbulbs for you, like you asked.”

I’m really going to need him to stop frowning at her, or my fist is going to be introduced to his face.

“Exactly. I’m changing these porch lightbulbs like you asked me to the other night, remember?” Turning away from Gunnar, the smile I give Lily is just for her. I have a smile on my face every time I think about the night we spent together.

“Like I asked you to… the other night… right… like I asked you to. That’s so kind of you. So very kind.” Lily’s mouth might be saying kind, but her eyes are telling me to fuck off.

As much as I like her pretty brown eyes, I’m going to have to go with that pretty mouth of hers.

“It’s no problem. You know I’m always here when you need me. For anything.”

“Right. Like I said, it’s very kind. Very mature actually, kid,” Lily smiles sweetly up at me.

Guess I can’t trust that pretty mouth, either.

“So, do you want to go to the movie on Saturday night, Lil? They’re showing the one where Jacks plays an assassin.”

My big brother is this town’s favorite son. At least, half the movies shown every weekend at the local theater feature Jackson Waters. It’d be annoying if I wasn’t so damn proud of him.

Lily rolls her eyes. “Oh god, like that man could ever be an assassin. He could barely keep it together on the phone just now.”