That has my head looking up from the end of my screwdriver, where I’m putting the cage back over one of the porch lights I changed. “Something wrong with Jacks?”

“He’s fine. More than fine, actually. Something was very, very right. He was just a little busy with Selena and shouldn’t have even picked up.” Lily shivers, like the thought of my brother fucking his pretty new fiancée grosses her out. I’m fine with that. I’m fine with her being grossed out by any dick that isn’t mine.

“Those two go at it like rabbits, don’t they?” Gunnar mutters.

“That’s the Waters stamina for you,” I offer, staring right at Lily. Then I look back over my shoulder at Gunnar. “Did it skip your branch of the family tree?”

“Fuck you, Jameson.”

“Sounds like you couldn’t if you tried,” I tell him with a big grin.

Now, I know I’m just asking for it. But I can’t help myself from needling him. It’s no secret that Lily’s had a thing for Gunnar as long as anyone can remember. It’s not my fault if he was too stupid to act on it. I sure as hell didn’t make the same mistake.

“You’re such a little shit,” Gunnar says, shoving my shoulder, before turning back to Lily. “So, Lil, you in for the movie on Saturday?”

She scrunches up her pretty face. “Consider me a maybe. I may need a couple of days to recover from the trauma of today’s phone call. I’m not sure if I’ll be ready to see Jacks in a sex scene by Saturday. It might have to be PG-13 only for a while if he’s in it. And I’ve got a bunch of work to do this weekend.” Lily bites her lip like she wants to say something else, but then she doesn’t.

“My invitation get lost in the mail?” I ask. If Lily is going to the movies with Gunnar on Saturday night, I’m sure as hell coming, too. And I’ll be the one taking her home after.

“Figured you’d be chasing tail at the Goldrush on a Saturday night. Course you can come, if you want to. But don’t try stealing any of Lily’s popcorn. You’ll lose a finger. I’ll check in with you on Saturday, Lil. And my mom wants you to come to Sunday dinner at the farm this week.”

Lily smiles. “She already texted me. Wouldn’t miss it.”

“Alright, I’m going to head out then. You coming, Jameson?”

I shake my head, hoping it looks casual. “No thanks, man. I was going to take a look at the decking over there. It felt a little soft when I stepped on it. See you later.”

Gunnar nods. “Give me a shout if you need any help with it.”

“Thanks, man. See you later.”

chapter twelve


“See you later.” With a wave, Gunnar steps off the porch and heads down the stepping stone pathway, through the white picket fence, and all the way to his dusty maroon truck.

I love my cousin, but I’ve never been happier to see another man go in my life.

Neither of us says anything until we see Gunnar’s tail lights turn at the end of the block.

“Hey, Lemon,” I say, with a big grin on my face.

She meets my smile with a frown. “You should go.”

Narrowing my eyes, I study her. “Do you actually want me to go? Or are you just telling me that because it’s what you think you’re supposed to say to me?”

She looks away for a minute, and when she looks back, she’s biting the inside of her cheek. “Both?”

“At least that’s an honest answer. Don’t you want to know why I’m here?”

“The burning need to change my lightbulbs?”

I shake my head. “Well, that’s one reason. I always want you to be safe. But it’s not the only reason. Invite me inside, Lemon.”


“Offer me a cold beer to pay me back for all my hard work this evening.”