“Lemon, I’ve known you my whole life. But now you are my whole life. I want to marry you. I want you to be my wife. I want you to be the mother of my children. I want to give you daughters that look just like you. I don’t know how I got so damn lucky for you to give me a second look.” He trails off, shaking his head.

Like he actually can’t believe that I want to be with him. Like he doesn’t love me and take care of me exactly how I’ve always wanted. Like he’s not the only man I’ll ever need.

“But if you agree to be my wife, I swear to you that I’ll never stop trying to deserve you. Your smile is my sunrise. Your heart is my North Star. I never want to go to sleep if it’s not next to you. I never want to laugh if it’s not with you. I need you, babe. Take pity on me and say you’ll be mine forever. Say you’ll be my wife.”

Tears are streaming down my cheeks.

The man I love is proposing to me. My brain can’t make it make sense. Jameson wants to marry me? He wants to give me exactly what I’ve always wanted? He wants to give me the life and the family I’ve always needed? He wants to be mine forever?

Brushing tears back from under my eyes, I laugh at him. “What the hell are you doing, kid?”

He grins up at me, a huge smile that’s just for me. “I’m proposing, Lemon. Promise me you’re going to be my wife.”

Pressing my hands down on my hips, I narrow my eyes at him. “Are you trying to steal my thunder again, kid?”

Jameson’s smile gets bigger. “How exactly am I stealing your thunder, babe? And don’t think I haven’t noticed that you haven’t answered me yet. The only answer I’m going to take on this is a yes. Just so you know. Say yes to me today. Say yes to me tomorrow. Say yes to me five years from now. My question’s going to be the same, and your answer’s going to be the same.”

“I was going to ask you to move in with me tonight, and you just had to get down on one knee and propose to me on exactly the same night. You look all pathetic down there on one knee, with your arm still in a cast, holding out a ring to me. I couldn’t say no if I wanted to.”

His brows draw together, frowning up at me. “Do you want to say no, Lemon?”

As I shake my head at him, a big smile stretches across my face and more tears streak down my cheeks. “Not even a little. I love you so much, kid.”

He lets out a gigantic sigh, nodding. “That’s good, babe. And I know you well enough to know you’d tell me to go fuck myself if you didn’t want to marry me.”

“She definitely would,” Jacks shouts from somewhere behind me.

“Shut it, bestie. I’m being proposed to!”

“Well, say yes already, so we can celebrate!” Selena shouts back.

“Those are happy tears, right Lemon?”

I nod. “The happiest. Ask me again, Jameson.”

“I’d ask you a thousand times, if that’s what it took, babe. Marry me, Lemon. Say you’ll be my wife. Spend the rest of your life driving me crazy and letting me love you.”

When I nod yes, I can’t seem to stop. “Yes, Jameson Waters. I’ll marry you. I can’t wait be your wife.”

Jameson jumps up and grabs me. Wrapping his good arm around me and hugging me tight against his body, he swings me around and around in a wild circle.

“Put me down before you hurt yourself!” I tell him, slapping my hands at the shoulders I know I scratched up last night. And the night before. And he loved every second of it. This man really was made for me.

By the time he stops spinning me around, I feel dizzy. Jameson slowly slides me down his body. And then I feel his hand on my ass, pulling down my dress to make sure my butt’s covered. He’s always taking care of me. Making sure I’m looked after. And I never want him to stop.

“How many times do I have to tell you, you could never hurt me like that? Now give me your hand, so I can put a ring on you, Lemon. You’re all mine, babe.”

When I hold out my hand, it shakes a little as Jameson slides a diamond ring onto my ring finger. And that’s when I realize that it’s my Grams’ engagement ring. The old yellow gold is so buttery. The rose cut diamond is so classic and timeless. It’s the ring my Grams wore every single day after my Grandad put it on her finger when they were even younger than Jameson is now. And now I’m going to wear it as a sign of Jameson’s love for me.

“You got Grams’ engagement ring from my mom?”

Jameson nods, but I can barely see him through the tears in my eyes. When I look down at the ring again, a whole new flood of tears starts.

Jameson’s hands are on my arms, rubbing up and down. “I can buy you a new one, if that’s what you want. Shit, did I get this part wrong? I thought you’d like this more. I remember you telling Jacks once when we were kids that this is what you wanted. Shit, shit, shit. I should have asked you first. I can afford to buy you a new ring, Lemon. I promise you that. I’ll get you any ring you want.”

When I look up from the ring the man I love just pushed onto my finger, I see the worry on his face. Reaching out, I press my hands against his jaw. “I know. I know you can. But I don’t care. I don’t want that. You gave me my Gram’s ring. It’s exactly right. This is exactly what I want. You did good, kid. You did really, really, good.”

I’m nodding and crying like a crazy person when Jameson presses his lips against mine. I know he can taste the tears streaming down my face, just like I can.