“Funny, because I already know I do.” Selena flashes a huge smile at Lily and me.

Lily will probably tell her, too.

“Know what?” my dad asks, walking over to us with a fresh round of beers on a galvanized steel tray and wine for the girls.

“No idea. But we’re apparently fighting someone and there’s something about Lily’s apple pie? Jameson’s pretty possessive over it,” Jasper fills him in.

My dad bursts out laughing, and his face goes a little red.

Selena’s jaw drops, and then she starts nodding. “It’s all starting to make sense.”

“You planning on filling the rest of us in?” Jarret asks, looking like a grumpy prick, as usual.

“Nope! No, she’s not!” Lily shouts from where I have her trapped in my arms.

Holding her here like this, surrounded by my family, in the only place I’ve ever wanted to be is so fucking perfect. This is all I ever wanted when she was making me sneak around.

My family is all arguing about whether Selena and my dad are going to tell them what they know. No one is paying any attention to Lily and me, even though they’re all talking about us. Probably because they’re all talking about us.

Leaning down, I whisper in her ear. “I was right.”

“Why do I find that hard to believe? Right about what?”

“I knew it was supposed to be you and me, Lemon. I knew it from the minute you licked my abs in the middle of the Goldrush there was something between us. I knew we were supposed to be here just like this.”

Lily presses her head back against my chest, and her whole body wriggles closer against me. “You psychic now, kid?”

“Only when it comes to you and me belonging together, babe.”

“I guess everyone has to be right about something at least once in their lifetime.”

“I’d be right about you in every lifetime, Lemon,” I whisper against her ear. “But this was the second time you said I was right about something. And that’s just tonight.”


“Yeah, babe?”

“I love you.”

“I know you do, babe.”

“Dick,” she says, laughing at me.

chapter sixty-one


Everyone is suddenly quiet. The music stops. No one’s talking. Looking around, I can’t figure out what’s going on. I rise up to my tiptoes to look over Jacks’ and Jasper’s shoulders, but they’re too damn tall to see anything. When I reach back for Jameson to grab his hand so he can tell me what’s going on, I only latch onto air. Where the hell did he go when I need him to be tall and tell me what’s going on? Honestly, the man has one job.

“Jameson?” I say, as I turn around to see where he went.

There’s no one standing there. The crowd has formed a circle.

Around Jameson.

He’s right in front of me. But he’s not standing. He’s down on one knee, holding out a little ring box in his hand.

“What are you doing?” I whisper. My eyes are telling me he’s down on his knees holding a ring box. But my brain can’t add up those pieces of information and come up with anything that makes sense.