“You must say that a lot,” Jensen says, frowning.

“That’s unfortunately true. People aren’t usually having their best days when they meet me.”

“Is anyone going to offer to buy the pretty doctor a drink?” Jasper says, walking over and standing next to her.

“Thanks, but I can buy my own drinks.”

Jasper’s lips twitch and then curve into a big smile.

“Is saying no to everything how you plan on making friends in a small town, Jordan?” Lily asks, eyebrows raised.

The Doc gives her an embarrassed smile, her lips curving to the side. “Right. I should probably start saying yes a bit more.” She turns to Jasper. “I guess I will take you up on the drink, if you’re still offering. Thanks.”

“Yeah, I’m still offering. And for the record, I like prickly. But saying yes is faster.”

Doc frowns at him. “I know how to kill you and make it look like an accident.”

Jasper laughs at her. “Didn’t I just hear that you’re supposed to be making friends?”

“I guess I’m not very good at it?”

“We’ll see about that. Takes a lot to scare me off.”

“Wanna bet? You’ll be running to make friends anywhere but here before you even pay for this drink,” she challenges as they walk away to join the drinks line.

“This place looks great tonight, doesn’t it?” Selena says, looking around. Not that she can move much when Jacks has her pinned to his side almost as tightly as I’m holding onto Lily. “I bet our barn would look so pretty with fairy lights all over it.”

“The barn is for keeping horses and storing shit. It doesn’t need any damn fairy lights,” Jarret barks at her.

“I bet Violet and Apple would love some fairy lights,” Lily says wistfully.

“And we could put some closer to the house. Light up the backyard for grilling outside,” Selena agrees.

Jarret’s getting red. He’s about to lose it, which is always entertaining. “You know that we have a working farm, right? Not just some bullshit hobby farm you’d find on Pinterest.”

“Wait a minute. You know what Pinterest is?” Lily demands, her pretty brown eyebrow raised.

“Yeah, I know what Pinterest is,” Jarret growls back.

Idiot should know he’s already lost this one.

“Follow up question. Why do you know what Pinterest is?” My Lemon is not going to let this go, and my brother doesn’t stand a chance.

“Maybe Jarret has some secret boards? What do you think? Just an entire board of black t-shirts?” Selena asks, giggling.

“Ooh, and one that’s just tractors,” Lily says, laughing hard.

“Lemon, don’t pick on Jarret. You know he’s not as tough as me,” I tell her with a laugh I know is going to piss him off even more.

“Hell, if I’m not.” Jarret takes a step towards me. Just like I knew he would. He can’t do anything about Lily and Selena poking fun at him. But he can hit me for doing the same.

Lily pulls against my arms to step closer to him.

“Just try it, Jarret. He has a broken arm. You just try it!” she nearly shouts at him.

“Careful. Looks like Jameson has a bodyguard now. And she’s a hell of a lot tougher than he is,” Jacks says with a grin. “So, do you have just the one Jackson Waters fan board? Or is there more than one?”

When Jarret eyes Jacks like he wants to punch him, Selena stares him down. “Try it, Jarret.”