“How about we go out back for a quickie?”

“Really? We just got here.” She raises an eyebrow at me. “And when are we ever quick?”

“First time for everything, babe.”

“I’m too nervous, I think. I can’t believe you got me into this. Look, the judges already eating over there. We should get this pie where it’s supposed to be before they disqualify me or something.”

“It’s going to be fine.”

My eyes drop to her ass when she walks ahead of me. She looks real pretty tonight in the little black dress she was wearing the first night I took her home from the Goldrush and her scuffed cowboy boots. I love the way her tits look in this dress. And anything that reminds me of the first night my Lemon let me into her bed is a good thing, if you ask me. Lily dressed up. I wore the same old jeans, a t-shirt, and my Lily’s Flowers & Botanicals hat, backwards on my head like always. If I’m wearing a hat, it’s this one. Which is always.

“You better hope it’s fine. Because your future sex life depends on how good this pie does tonight,” she chirps at me over her shoulder.

“If I was the judge, I’d give you ten stars, babe.”

“Because you and your perfect dick have a sense of self preservation. I’m still pissed at you for getting me into this, kid.”

“I know. But I’m not. More of your apple pie is always going to be a good thing, far as I’m concerned.”

She stops walking and waves the crate, holding the carefully packaged apple pie in my face. “Get a good sniff. Because this may be as close as you’re getting to my apple pie for the foreseeable future.”

“You’re only punishing yourself, babe,” I promise her with a laugh.

“You’re actually right.”

“You should probably write it down. Must be a world record or something,” I mutter, laughing at her.

“Why should I suffer for your actions? If I get laughed out of this baking competition, you can eat as much of my apple pie as you want. I just won’t be eating your… vanilla ice cream cone anytime soon. It’s going to have to stay un-scooped at the ice cream shop. And it’s definitely going to have to… melt all by itself.”

Narrowing my eyes at her, I take a step forward. “You can be downright vindictive, you know that?”

The smile she sends me before skipping off to deliver her pie tells me she knows exactly how much this is all going to hurt me if things don’t go our way tonight.

After dropping off the pie, I take Lily’s hand and we head out to the bar truck. Where we find the rest of my family.

“Figures, this is where we’d find all of you.”

“I’m going to need a lot of drinks if you expect me to be nice to people tonight, baby,” Jacks tells Selena.

She rolls her eyes and hands Lily a glass of rosé. “Saw you come in and figured you’d need this for your big night.”

“She looks like she needs four more where that came from,” Jacks says, smiling at Lily.

“Hey, Doc Brooks,” I call out when I see the doctor who fixed up my arm nearly two months ago. I should be able to get my cast off in the next couple of days. Fucking finally. I want to go back to wrapping Lily up in two arms, feeling all of her against all of me.

She smiles and walks over to us. “Mr. Waters. How’s the arm?”

“Almost like new.”

“I hope you’re still taking it easy.”

“He is. He knows what’ll happen to him if he doesn’t.”

“That’s good to hear. Hey, Lily. How’s… everything going?”

Lily looks embarrassed. But she picks up our hands, fingers braided together, and holds them up. “Everything’s good.” Then she looks over her shoulder and back at the Doc. “You met… everyone before, right?”

The doctor nods and waves her hand. “Hi again, Waters family. It’s nice to see you all again under better circumstances.”