“Obviously. Footloose-style tractor race. But no one is playing chicken on my watch. You’re all so stubborn, none of you would pull up.”

“Agreed. I think there should be a speed limit of like three miles an hour. Maybe there should be an obstacle course or something? Since they’ll be going so slow. Don’t worry, Nugget. We’ll workshop the concept and get back to you.”

“Can’t wait, baby. Can’t wait. Are you done stealing free samples now? Can I take you home?”

“You can always take me home, Jackson Waters. Have a good night, you two!”

After Jacks and Selena leave, Jameson locks the door.

“Thought they’d never leave. Although I do think you’d look sexy as hell in a little farmer girl outfit. Even if nobody dresses like that on our farm. Or any farm. It’s almost like neither of you think farming is serious, manly work.”

“Are you telling me you don’t just play in the dirt all day?”

“The only time I play is with you, dirty girl.”

That has me laughing.

“Not exactly the response I was going for, babe.” Jameson frowns at me. He’s so cute when he frowns. Who I am kidding? He’s cute and sexy all the damn time.

“Thanks for tonight, kid.”

“You don’t need to thank me. You had fun tonight?”

“Tonight was a really, really great night. I can’t believe this many people came to the shop at one time. It was amazing. It was everything I barely let myself hope for, and more. Thanks for everything you did. Thank you for my shelves. Thank you for putting up with how crazy I’ve been getting everything ready for tonight.”

“I’m always going to help you, Lemon.”

“Thanks. Okay, I just need to do a once-over of the place, and then I’ll come back in the morning and clean up the rest of it.”

“Sounds good. What are we looking for?”

“Taps off. Doors and windows locked. Candles out.”

Jameson heads one way, and I head in the other to circle the shop.

“My mom said something kind of weird tonight.”

“Oh, yeah? What’d she say?”

“I don’t know. She just said something and was about to say something else. And it probably would have completely pissed me off. But then it was like she stopped herself?”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah, it was weird. I mean, I talked to her in the kitchen the other night. Maybe she finally heard me? I mean, it didn’t stop the shitshow that was that dinner we all had to suffer through. But maybe she thought about it after and it finally sunk in? I don’t know. It’s just that I’ve talked to her before and nothing’s changed. But this felt like progress.”

“Hmmm. Progress is good. Maybe it doesn’t matter why? It’s just good she finally listened.”

When Jameson looks away from me and starts whistling as he closes the blinds, I know something’s up.

“You didn’t… Did you say something to my mom?”

His face tells me everything I need to know.

“What the hell, Jameson? What did you say to her?”

chapter fifty-four
