Shit. Shit. Shit.

“I told you I’d never lie to you, babe.”

“So, tell me what you said to her then.” Lily’s cheeks are red, and her eyes are on fire. She looks like she wants to punch me.

“When you went to the bathroom during dinner that night, I could see how upset you were. And I just pointed that out. And I asked her not to say things that make you feel like that.”

“You did what? The first time you meet my mom as my boyfriend, you tell her how to talk to me?”

“I don’t want to see you hurt, babe.”

“And it’s funny how you didn’t tell me about this little heart-to-heart you had with my mom.”

“You were drunk.”

“It was weeks ago. You’ve had lots of opportunities to tell me what you did. And you kept it a secret from me. I thought we didn’t lie to each other?”

“I never lied. I just didn’t tell you.” Knowing exactly how pathetic that distinction is, I can’t meet her eyes.

“Nice try, kid. You fucked up and then you hid it from me.”

“Hey, who said I fucked up? I’m not sorry about what I did. Not for a second. I’m always going to protect you. I’m always going to fight for you. I’m always going to choose you.”

“You’re trying to make choices for me.”

“I’m not. I’m making my own choices. I’m not about to sit back and watch anyone make you feel like that.”

“It wasn’t your place to talk to my mom about this! I can barely talk to my mom about this.”

“It wasn’t my fucking place? I love you, and I’m not sitting by and watching anyone hurt you. How about when it’s our daughters? How about when she’s taking their dessert away and making them feel like shit? If you want me to sit by and let that happen, you’ve got another thing coming. And if you plan on sitting by and letting anyone make our daughters feel like shit about themselves like that, then we have a real problem here.”

“We don’t have any daughters.”

“We don’t have any daughters, yet. Yet, Lemon. It’s only a matter of time. At least, I thought it was. But I’m not having kids with someone who isn’t going to do everything in her power to protect them. Are you going to protect our daughters, Lemon?”

“Of course, I would never let anyone make them feel like…”

“Make them feel like she makes you feel? That’s bullshit, babe. If it’s not okay for our daughters, then it’s sure as hell not okay for their mom. You going to let her talk to you like that in front of them? Because that’s giving them the same message, maybe worse.”

“Stop talking about daughters we don’t even have!”

She’s so pissed at me. Her face is red, and she’s almost vibrating. Her fists are clenched at her sides. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen her this pissed at me before. And I piss her off all the damn time.

“Yet, Lemon. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

“Just leave it alone, Jameson. I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

I hate that she’s pissed at me. But I want to stand right here and yell about it until she’s not pissed anymore. But she’s still running from me at the first sign of trouble. Nothing’s changed, even if everything’s changed.

“Not happening, Lemon. I’m not going anywhere. And we’re not leaving until we figure this out. You love me, and I sure as hell love you. No more running. No more pushing me away. That ended a long time ago. You don’t get to tell me you love me and keep trying to push me away.”

“Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” She steps forward and pokes her index finger into my chest over and over again. “I’m not pushing you away. Trust me, I’d like to. I’m pissed as hell at you. I’d like to tell you to fuck off and go sleep at your own place tonight. Or to go sleep in your truck, for all I care. But I’m not doing that, am I?”

“So, what are you saying?”

“I’m saying that you pissed me off. You had no right to do what you did. And I’m so freaking mad at you I could scream. Part of me wants to tell you to go away and just leave me the hell alone. But a bigger part of me won’t let me. Because I love you. Even though you can be a totally overstepping asshole.”

She lets out a long breath and unclenches her fists, wiggling her fingers.