“She’s going to like you. And if she doesn’t, we’ll just have to give her more time. I promise it won’t change how I feel about you.”

“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask you about that.”

“Not the time, kid. Can we talk about that later? There’s something I wanted to tell you. Right now, game faces on, okay?”

“Okay, babe.”

Reaching out, I knock on my mom’s door. I lived in this house for years before I moved out on my own. It’s in one of the newer blocks in Western Springs, and the house is only about twenty years old. It’s a normal two-level suburban house, but it just doesn’t have the same charm as the older ones. I lived in an apartment in town until Grams passed, and she left me her house. But Grams’ house always felt more like home to me. That’s where we lived when my dad passed and mom got lost for a while. Eventually we moved into this new place, but Grams’ house has always been my safe place. My home. It’s where I want to live with Jameson. We kind of already do live there together, but he hasn’t officially moved in yet. And I haven’t even told him how I feel about him yet. So, first things first.

It takes my mom a couple of tries to get the door open. It must have warped or something, because it’s sticking in the frame.

“Lilybear! Jameson! You’re here!” My mom reaches out and hugs me and then Jameson.

“Come in, come in. What can I get you to drink?”

“I’ll have a glass of white wine, if you have it,” I answer, as we follow mom back to the kitchen. Wine is a safe choice. Mom always has wine.

“Are you sure you want wine, dear? How about a spritzer?” Mom asks me, smiling.

I frown back. “I want wine. Thanks.”

“I’ll have a beer. Thanks, Mrs. Wilson,” Jameson says behind me. “Do you want me to take a look at that door? Get it opening a bit easier for you?”

“Really?” My mom’s eyes are wide as she claps her hands together under her chin. “That would be wonderful. Thanks, hun.”

“Yeah, thanks, hun,” I mutter to him, turning around and glaring at him for abandoning me the minute we get here. “But are you sure you should be doing that with your cast still on? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

Jameson grins and leans forward to kiss my forehead. “It’s no problem, babe. I’ll be careful.” He looks at my mom. “Point me to the tools, and I’ll get to work. Lilybear, you can bring me a beer whenever you get a chance.”

“Oh, I’ll bring you something, sweetie,” I tell him with a crazy, wide-eyed smile.

“There’s a big toolbox in the closet under the stairs. I’d start there. If you need anything else, it might be in the garage. Or I might not have it.”

“Thanks, I’ll take a look. Don’t forget to bring me that beer, Lilybear.”

“It’s my top priority, I can promise you that…” I almost call him kid. But then I stop myself. No need to draw attention to the fact that Jameson’s only twenty-six in front of my mom. Not when he’s currently demonstrating how competent and manly he is by fixing something for her.

Following my mom back to the kitchen, I flash him one last smile over my shoulder.

“So, how are things, Mom?”

“Good, honey. How are things with you two?”

“Really good.”

“Jameson seems very handy.”

“He is. You probably don’t remember this, but he used to do carpentry. He’s actually so great at it. He built all the new shelves for my shop.”

“That’s very generous of him. Why don’t you cut the ends off the green beans while I finish up the salad dressing?”

“Sure. So, everything’s good with you?”

“Of course, it is. Although my knee is bothering me again a little.”

“How bad?” She had knee surgery a few years ago.

“It’s not too bad. I think I must have twisted it or something, and it’s been bugging me for a few days now. I probably just need to stretch more.”