
“Yeah, babe?”

“I don’t want to dance with any other guys.”

“Thanks for telling me that, babe. I love it when you’re sweet to me.”

Laughing up at him, I drag my nails down his chest. “You love it when I’m salty, too.”

Jameson grins down at me. “The woman’s not wrong.”

chapter forty-nine


Jameson is holding one of my hands in his with his other arm wrapped around my waist as we walk to my mom’s house for dinner. I’m carrying the enormous bouquet of dahlias and lilies I made for her. Jameson is always touching me, always holding onto me. But it never feels like he’s crowding me. I never want to get away from it.

“One more awkward family meal, and then this tour of first family dinners can finally be over,” I announce.

I love my mom more than anything, but sometimes mother-daughter relationships can just be hard. Sometimes it feels like we’re never on the same page about anything. And I don’t know what she thinks about me and Jameson. I don’t know what kind of situation I’m leading him into tonight.

“Are you telling that to me or yourself?”

“Both? Thankfully, my mom wasn’t there for me screaming at your brothers at the hospital. But I’m not sure how she took it when I told her about us. She was kind of quiet. Not like O-M-G Lily, I’m so happy you’re seriously dating a twenty-six-year-old.”

“I thought you were over the age thing?” Jameson frowns down at me.

“I am! Promise. I’ve decided to be flattered that my twenty-six-year-old boy-toy wants me as much as he clearly does.”

“You’re not wrong about how much I want you. But call me that again, and I’m taking you back home and spanking you, Lemon.”

“That doesn’t sound like something a boy-toy would say.”

“You’re going to get it when we get home. I have one good hand, and I’m going to use it on that round ass. Or maybe I’ll spank your pretty, little pussy? That’ll teach you.”

I’m nearly panting. “I’m pretty sure it’s not going to teach me the lesson you want me to learn.”

Jameson growls. “Lemon!”

“And that’s exactly the kind of thing you can’t say tonight.”

“It’s just dinner, Lemon. I can probably hold it together for one dinner. I can even be charming when I want to be.”

“This I know,” I tell him with a smile. “Only when you’re charming, that usually ends up with me on top of you, or you on top of me. So, maybe tone down the charm until we get home?”

“When you have this kind of natural charisma, I’m not sure it can be toned down. But I’ll give it my best. For you.” Jameson leans over and kisses my nose.

“Why do you have to be so damn cute all the time?”

“Same question.”

“One more reminder. The same family rules apply. No talking about my vagina. Or sex. Or even hinting that that’s something we do. For tonight, just consider me like Barbie. No pussy or nipples. If it would piss you off if Jarret said it about me, then it’s off limits.”

“I remember. Now, you ready to go in there and get this over with? And I thought your mom liked me?”

“She likes you as Jacks’ little brother. Now we just have to convince her to like you as my boyfriend.”

“What if she doesn’t? How much does it matter to you if she likes me?”