“Come on, babe. You won’t even share with me?”

“Try it and lose a finger, kid.”

He gives me his cockiest little smile. “You know I’m going to steal your popcorn just to piss you off now, right?”

“You’re not going to get the chance with that attitude. I’m going to have to create a buffer of several seats between you and my popcorn.”

“Not happening.”

“I’ll buy you your own popcorn,” I offer.

“Maybe I won’t steal your popcorn then.” The look on Jameson’s face says he is still one-hundred percent going to eat only my popcorn even if I buy him ten bags of his own. Idiot.

“Should be interesting. I’ll see you two on Saturday, then.”

“Sounds good. Thanks for stopping by. You’re coming to the grand opening, right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it, Lil. Let me know if you need help with anything.”

“Thanks, Gunnar!” I call after him as he heads out of the shop.

The bells haven’t even rung to signal the front door opening and closing before Jameson’s mouth is crashing down on mine. He tugs on my hair just a little until I tilt my head back and then plunges his tongue into my mouth. He’s desperate and demanding. And I give him everything he needs. Jameson doesn’t need to worry about Gunnar and me. Not at all. But if he needs a little reassurance from me, then I’m going to give it to him.

When he finally lifts his head up, I’m leaning against him because my knees would buckle without him holding me up. And Jameson’s frowning down at me. He looks worried.

“So, everything’s okay with you and Gunnar?”

I nod, smiling a little. “It’s fine, I think.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. We talked. We’re good.”

“That all you’re going to tell me?”

“Probably. Oh, he said if you hurt me, he’s going to kick your ass.”

“He’ll have to get in line.”

“That’s exactly what I told him.”

“You did, huh?” Jameson smiles down at me.

“Yup. I’d be first in line, obviously. Then Jacks would be next. Ooh, and then Selena. And don’t forget my sisters. And my mom. And my girlfriends. Then Gunnar. And then there’s your dad, and the rest of your brothers. Yeah, that’s going to really suck for you.” Shaking my head, I smile up at him, tilting my head. “You probably shouldn’t hurt me, I guess.”

“Good thing I don’t ever plan on hurting you. Not ever.”

“You should be all good then, kid. Thanks for inviting him to go to a movie on Saturday. That was a great idea. I feel bad for disappearing on all my friends. But you’ve kept me kind of busy.”

“I don’t plan on stopping, babe. But I want you to have your friends. I just want to be there, too.”

“What about when my friends and I go to the Goldrush for girls’ night and you’re not invited?”

“I’m invited, Lemon.”

“Hmmm… I guess we’ll have to see about that, kid.”

“Yeah, we will, babe. Because I’ll be the man sitting next to you and eating your popcorn at the movies. And I’ll be the man on his knees in front of you eating your pretty, wet pussy in the bathroom at the Goldrush. You’re not going to the Goldrush and dancing with any guy but me from now on.”