None of this is funny.

I’m not family.

As much as I feel like I’m a part of the Waters family, I’m not. Not officially, anyway.

But I’ll be damned if I’m not Jameson’s family.

“I need to go in there.”

“Of course. I know how worried you all are. As I said, Mr. Waters is going to be fine. The nurses are cleaning up some cuts, and then family can start going in. He’ll be released in an hour or so.”

“I don’t have an hour or so. I’m going in there now.”

“I’m so sorry. But I’m still not clear on who you are?”

“I’m his girlfriend.”

“She’s his what now?” Jarret says, sounding confused.

“Come again?” Jenson says, staring at me. Jensen who never freaking talks thinks now is the time to start?

“I thought you were his best friend.” The doctor looks back and forth between me and Jacks, her dark eyebrows knitted together on her pretty face. I’m going to slap this woman if she doesn’t get the hell out of my way.

“Not his girlfriend. He’s engaged!” I shout, knowing I’m acting crazy and completely unable to stop myself. Not until I see Jameson and make sure he’s okay for myself. Then I can be sane again. Only then.

“I’m sorry. It’s been a pretty long day, and I’m not following this. Everything really is going to be fine. We’ll be sending Mr. Waters home shortly.”

“I’m Jameson Waters’ girlfriend.”

“Does Jameson know that?” Jarret asks, like it’s the craziest thing he’s ever heard.

“Since when?” Jensen asks, looking at me like I’m crazy.

Jacks doesn’t say anything. He’s staring at me, eyes wide, and that says everything. But I can’t deal with any of this now. I need to get to Jameson. I’ll clean up the rest of this mess after I know for sure that he’s okay. After I see him with my own eyes and smack him for scaring me like this. I am getting past those swinging doors and going to see my boyfriend.

“Shut it, Jarret. And you, too, Jensen. You can both fuck right off. I’m fucking your little brother. Have been for months,” I snap at them. Then I turn back to the doctor. “I’m Jameson Waters’ girlfriend. We’ve been together for months. You can ask…”

Turning around behind me, I nod at Jasper and Selena. “You can ask his brother, Jasper, and his almost-sister-in-law, Selena. But while you’re doing that, someone had better be showing me to him so I can make sure that he’s alright for myself, got it?”

Every single one of them is staring at me now like I have two heads. Selena is smiling, but it’s a pitying smile. I can’t deal with any of this until I see Jameson. I just need to get to Jameson.

The doctor smiles at me. “Sounds complicated. But I get it. Come with me.”

And just like that, I don’t hate her even a little.

She turns and walks through the swinging doors, holding one open for me. And I follow her without question because she’s taking me to Jameson.

“I’m sorry. That was crazy. And I’m sorry if I was just a complete bitch to you. But I just really, really need to know that he’s okay.”

“I get it. The hospital’s policy is stupid. Family isn’t just one thing. It doesn’t only mean blood or marriage. But I’m new here, and I’m still on probation. So, following the hospital’s policies is kind of important, even if they’re dumb policies.”

“You’re fine. You know that guy? The one you didn’t know who he was? My best friend? The one who’s super pissed at me right now? He’s the hospital’s largest donor. Your job’s safe, trust me.”

“Thanks. I probably shouldn’t say this, but I feel like maybe if we’d met under other circumstances, we’d be friends.”

“This is a small town. We will definitely meet under other circumstances. The grocery store. The diner. I have a flower shop on Grove Street. Lily’s Flowers & Botanicals. Come say hi. I’ve lived here my whole life, but I can’t imagine moving here is easy. Everybody kind of knows each other already.”

“Oh, that I know. Everyone talks to each other like they’ve known each other their whole lives. But except for talking to my patients, this is the longest conversation I’ve had in months.” The doctor smiles at me. “Here he is. He’s fine, just like I promised.”