“How will they know that? I promise I won’t say anything.”

“They’ll just know. They’re wily. They have their sources. Someone will walk past and see something. And they’ll mention it to someone. And before you know it, the secret’s out. It’s a small freaking town. That’s just how it works.”

“Speaking of secrets… there’s one you seem to be successfully keeping.”

“I know. I know. But not for long. We talked. And we’re going to tell everyone. This weekend at Sunday dinner. We’re going to really give this thing a shot. “

“Really? That’s so great! I’m so happy for you two.”

“How do you think Jacks will take it?”

“Jackson will be fine. All he wants is for his family to be happy. And that includes you. As long as one of you doesn’t hurt the other, we’re all good. So, you two just need to stay happy together forever, get married, and have lots of babies. Then everything’s going to be fine.”

“Oh, only all that? No pressure. What am I even worried about then?”

“What about Gunnar? How do you think he’ll take it?”

“I think fine? You know as well as I do that he never saw me as anything more than a friend. And we’re still friends. I just don’t need to spend all my time obsessing about why he doesn’t like me back anymore.”

“That sounds reasonable.”

“Exactly. So, I’m sure things are going to go perfectly fine. Because men are always so reasonable.”

“It’s a good thing they have their uses or else we would just have a ladies-only utopia. We’d all just be braiding each other’s hair and sharing cooking and cleaning duties. It would be fantastic.”

“Until you got horny…”

Selena nods and gives me a massive smile. “That is when Jackson comes in very handy.”


“You know he’s like really, really great at sex, right?”

Making gagging noises, I squint at her. “Do you want me to barf all over these apples? Because that’s where we’re headed if you keep talking about Jacks like that. Gross.”

She shakes her head at me, hands on her hips. “You think America’s three-time Sexiest Man Alive is gross, but his little brother does it for you? Yeah, that makes sense.”

“Jameson’s really, really great at sex, too. Like really great. Like I never want to know how he became that good at it.”

“Agreed. As far as I’m concerned, Jackson was a virgin when we met.”

Laughing, I grin at her. “That man was a fuck boy.”

Selena’s eyebrows leap up. “I thought you wanted me to teach you how to bake a pie?”

Pasting a solemn expression on my face, I nod. “Right. He was… chaste. He sat at home pining for you until the day he met you.”

“I knew it!” Selena says with a giggle. “It’s really kind of sad. It’s a good thing I showed up.”

“Do you know why I like you?”

She nods. “I can think of a whole list of reasons.”

“Because you’re as crazy as I am.”

“That’s a pretty good one, bestie. Now let’s kick this pie’s ass.”

Selena is supervising my attempt to roll out the pastry we made after letting it chill in the fridge for thirty minutes. The salted caramel apple pie filling is on the stovetop heating up. My focus is entirely on attempting to roll the dough gently rather than squishing it into the pastry board when Jacks bursts into the kitchen with my beautiful Goldendoodle nephew, Oats, hot on his heels.