“Hey, sorry to interrupt the pie lesson. But we need to go to the hospital, baby. Jameson got hurt.”

“What? Is he okay? What happened?” I nearly shout the words.

“They were moving the horses out into the paddocks for some exercise, and someone left the gate unlatched. Jensen’s asshole stallion, Thor, decided he wanted to charge Apple Pie, and Jameson got in the middle. Idiot protected the little horse instead of himself.”

“Oh, my god.” Thor is huge. Massive. If he charged Jameson… “Is Jameson okay?”

“Yeah. Apparently, he looks pretty rough. Jarret said his arm’s probably broken. And maybe some ribs. I guess he got banged up pretty good in the gate, trying to keep Thor out and get it closed. But he’ll be fine. He’s young. He’s healthy. He just got banged up a bit.”

“Oh, my god. He doesn’t sound fine,” I whisper.

“Of course, he’s going to be fine. Of course, he is,” Selena says, nodding. Her eyes are bouncing back and forth from me to Jacks.

I need to see Jameson. I need to know that he’s okay.

“Sorry about your baking lesson, Lil. But we need to go meet everyone at the hospital. Come on, baby.”

“Lily should come with us,” Selena announces, squeezing my arm.

Jacks frowns at her. “She doesn’t need to come all the way to the hospital, baby. He’ll be fine. It’s probably just a broken arm. I’m sure the hospital doesn’t want the entire town in their emergency room over a broken arm.”

“I’m coming with you,” I whisper.

“Of course, she’s coming with us,” Selena fills in the silence as she turns off the stove and oven. “She’d go to the hospital if it was any of you. Lily, wash your hands. I’ll grab your purse and jacket. We need to get to the hospital now. Jameson’s fine. And we’re going to go and make sure for ourselves, aren’t we?”

Nodding, I walk like a zombie over to the kitchen sink. I was up here at the house with Selena baking a stupid pie, and Jameson was down at the barn getting trampled. And I didn’t even know. He was in pain, and I was joking around with Selena and learning how to roll out pastry.

My head is spinning. Jacks doesn’t even think I should come to the hospital. Because he doesn’t know that Jameson and I have been together for months. Months.

I made him keep it a secret for months. I told Jameson it was just sex. That we were only having sex. Sneaking around. We’ve only officially been dating for a few days. And no one knows about us except Selena and Jasper.

And it’s all my fault.

I didn’t want anyone to know about us. And now Jameson’s hurt and he needs me. I need to be with him. And no one knows. No one even thought to tell me. I only know because I was here when Jacks walked in to get Selena. If I was at home. If I was anywhere else, I wouldn’t even have known Jameson was hurt.

When I get to the front door, Selena shoves my jean jacket and purse into my hands and then tugs me outside to Jacks’ truck.

Selena squeezes in next to Jacks along the old bench seat. This truck belonged to his grandfather and has none of the comforts of a modern car.

“Why isn’t Lily driving herself again?” Jacks says, looking around the cramped cab.

“Because we’re all worried, Nugget. And you stick together when you’re worried. Just drive already!” Selena mutters.

Thank god for Selena being here and filling the silence when I’m apparently incapable of talking. All I can do is stare out the window and picture all the different ways that Jameson could be hurt right now. Broken bones. Bruises. Blood. In every possible variation. That’s what I’m seeing. Not the rolling hills of the farms or the snow-capped mountains in the distance. Not the highway in front of us. All I see is Jameson, bloody and broken. In pain.

Selena squeezes my arm, but I barely feel it. “Lily, your phone’s ringing.”

“Oh, sorry.” As soon as she gets my attention, I hear my phone ringing. How did I miss that? My phone is in my purse on my lap. And the ringer is on high.

It’s Jasper. Jasper never just calls me out of the blue. We text, unless there’s something important to talk about.

I already know why he’s calling. Because he’s one of the two people who knows about Jameson and me. But since he saw Jameson’s head up my dress only a few nights ago, I can’t even imagine what he thinks of me now.

I swallow before speaking, and my voice still cracks when I do. “Hey.”

“Jameson’s at the hospital. His arm’s broken. He’s going to be fine, Lil. We got him to the hospital a while ago and they’re fixing him up, if you want to come down here. I knew he’d want you here since you and he… since you’re… I saw your truck at the farm today, but I didn’t know what to do since no one knows…”

“Thanks for calling. I’m with Jacks and Selena. We’re on our way.”