
“Help yourself then. Same goes for the rest of you.”

“Within reason,” Jameson shouts. “One sample a person. She’s not running a charity over here.”

“He runs a tight ship,” I call out. “But someone’s forgetting he’s not in charge here.”

Jameson walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me in a bear hug, his arms crossing under my breasts. I’m honestly getting used to the cast at this point, but it will be nice when I can feel both of his arms again. Feel every inch of them holding me tight. He presses his lips against my cheek and then I feel his warm breath on my ear. “As long as I’m in charge when I fuck you, that’s fine by me.”

And now I’m blushing. “Fine by me,” I whisper back.

Standing at the door of my shop, I hug everyone as they leave, thanking them, and answering questions about the jars and bottles of product they picked out.

Mr. Waters wraps me up in an enormous bear hug. “I’m so proud of you, sweetheart. You did so good with your shop.”

Selena squeezes me just as tight. “I’m so proud of you, Lil. Let’s have lunch tomorrow. I love that we’re shop neighbors now!”

“You two don’t already see enough of each other?” Jacks mutters behind her.

“Not possible,” I tell him with a smile, reaching my arms around his neck to hug him.

“Am I invited for lunch?”

Selena rolls her eyes. “No. Nugget, how many times do I have to tell you that we can’t girl talk about you when you’re right there listening? I’m having lunch with Lily. You can have lunch with your brothers on the farm, gossiping on your tractors or something.”

“Is that what you think we do all day on the farm?” Jameson asks with a laugh.

Selena nods seriously. “Yes.”

“Jacks, you need to school your woman on how hard it is to work a farm. Actually, I have an idea. Why don’t you ditch the bakery and spend a day out in the fields with us? You, too, Lemon. Then you can see why I come home sweaty and dirty every night.”

“I like you sweaty and dirty,” I whisper under my breath.

He nods, smirking at me. “I know you do, babe.”

I’m staring at Jameson standing a couple of feet away from me now when Selena slaps my arm.

“Oh my god, are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“I hope not. Or Jacks is going to be pissed at you.”

Selena laughs. “You can tell me all about that tomorrow. But I’m picturing matching overalls, tank tops, bandanas.”

“What are you talking about, baby?”

“For our day on the farm! I’m so excited, Nugget! I can’t wait to learn how to farm. I’m probably going to be really good at it, to be honest.”

“Jameson, do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Jacks says with a frown. “Now she’s going to want me to buy her her own tractor or something.”

“That’s a great idea. I’d look really cute on a tractor. Lily needs one, too.”

“Neither of you are getting anywhere near a damn tractor. You can help plant potatoes or something, I don’t care. But your ass isn’t going anywhere near the driver’s seat of a tractor. Unless you’re sitting on my lap, baby.”

“Like you even remember how to drive a tractor anymore? Please,” Jameson mutters.

Jacks punches him in the arm. The not-broken one. Or else I’d be kicking his ass right now. “I could still drive circles around you.”

“Now I know you’re thinking what I’m thinking!” Selena says, pinching my arm.