“You aren’t?”

“No!”I shouted. “I’m… I’m…” I didn’t say it. I couldn’t, not to Ebony, not even now. But he knew. Of course he knew, and he was looking at me in a way that I didn’t like one bit. “I’m not Drake!” I shoved my fist into his chest, though still, he didn’t react. “And you don’t get to puzzle me out like one of your little… psycho’s pets.”

“Whatare you scared of?” he pushed.



“I don’t know.” I swallowed. “Ofthis. Of… figuring this all out—all of this shit I should have figured out before.” My voice cracked. “What if I’m… I’m too late to change? What if it doesn’t matter, and I try to be better and I can’t?”

Ebony shrugged. “That’s where I max out, mate. No—” He cut off, gaze pausing at my phone on the bed. Then he frowned, picking it up.

“What?” I asked.

His expression went dark.

“What is it?” I asked again.

“It’s your sister.”

“Which one?” Not that it mattered, barely any of them texted any more.

“It’s Rayne… Rook, what thefuckdid you do?” he asked.

“What do you mean?” I demanded, trying to read it. “I didn’t do anything.”

But Ebony was reading the text out. “What did you say to mom? The parents are convinced you’re about to ruin everything for some gold pack con bitch. They’re digging up dirt on her for the press. Last I saw them like this they convinced Aunt June to kick Elric from the will. You need to call them. I can’t talk them down.”

My blood turned to ice.


“What the fuck did you say about Vex?” Ebony asked, now angry for the first time.

“Nothing… I…”Fuck. I shouldn’t… I should never have said anything when they brought her up.“I was defending her.”That’s what Drake had been mad about—I’dbeen mad at myself for not defending her at the round table.

“Not to your parents, youidiot!They’re crazy, Rook. Did you see the smear campaign they did on that beta your brother shacked up with? You think Vex needs that right now? Do they know she’s here? They’re going to—”

“No. No. They don’t. We can get ahead of it. I can—”

“You canwhat?”

“I don’t know. I just… Fuck. Justhelp me!Why come in here and offer to help if all you were going to be was useless?” I seized him, rage and terror burning away everything else. That’s all he was—fucking useless.

Not me.

Hewas a void of a human.

I hated him.

I hated that I was bonded to him.

I hated that, even after all of this, he hadn’t thrown a singlegoddamned punch—

“Oh…” Ebony cocked his head, something startled in his expression as he dropped my phone back on the bed. “Oh…dude.”
