“You…” He breathed a laugh. “A fucking prat as always.”


“This…” he laughed. “This is going to be rough. You’rewaytoo late.”

“Late for what?” I was fighting the urge to throw him through the wall if he was cryptic for one second more.

“For drugs—and there’s no way in the seventh circle of hell I’m letting younearher like this.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Playboy Harrison is about to have the worst few days of his miserable life,” Ebony taunted, true delight in his eyes. “You’re going into a full-blown rut.”



“What am I going to do?” Rook had me by the shirt, eyes wide. It wasn’t that I didn’t think he was capable of a meltdown like this, but his aura and scent had shifted in the last minute: indisputably a rut.

I grinned. “I don’t know Harrison. Better figure something out quick. What do youusuallydo to keep away ruts?” My voice was almost singsong with delight.

His face went ashen.

We both knew the answer.

I rutted often—too much alpha in me, that was just the way it had always been. Love and Drake did sometimes, but Rook? God was he blindsided right now—enough of a playboy to have never fully rutted.

“I can’t…” he whispered, coming to the conclusion I’d reached half a minute before. “She’s… she’s not… I can’t hurt her again.”

“You’re notfuckingher,” I said, alarmed.

Maybenotthe same conclusion.

“I meant I’m not fucking anyone else!”


Okay, yes. Same conclusion.

“I didn’t…fuck!I was stressed. I didn’t realise.”

It was really hard to fight my grin.

“Help me!”he growled, letting go of my shirt to shove me.

“Help you through your rut?” I chuckled. “Mate, even if I swung that way—”

“Fuck you!” he snarled.“Whatam I going to do?”

“You’ve got three options, the way I see it. A clinic can put you in a big metal box and give you as many drugs as they can to keep you under—worst goddamned experience of your life, I hear, but you’ll survive. Or youcouldcleave from the pack and go bang a bunch of chicks,” I said, hopefully. “Spare us the rest of your miserable existence.”

It wasn’treallyan option. There were only four of us in the bond; if one of us cleaved there was a decent chance our pack’s scent would shift enough to destroy the match with Vex, and I wasn’t giving her up.

He grabbed me by the shirt again, eyes wild. “I’m not betraying her!”

“Or we could go to the pits.”

“The… what?”