We were almost at my room when I tried to rip away from him, turning to the hallway. “I think… I should go and find her and tell her—”

“No.” Ebony was in my face in a second. “You’re not ruining her night with your drunken idiocy.”

I wrinkled my nose, but I could barely see straight by this point, and he was probably right.

“Are you going to… tuck me in?” I asked with a hiccup as he shoved me onto the bed.

“What are these?” he asked, ignoring me as he sifted through the books still open on my duvet.

“Books on omegas… I got them today… I thought I could… I don’t know… maybe do something fucking right. Then I realised that’s stupid, and I’d screw it all up anyway, so, you know…” I lifted the whisky bottle. I wasn’t going to admit to him I was drunk because I knew they were banging her.

Sickness turned my stomach as I thought of the parts in those books I’d read about the way omegas felt about their scent matched alphas.

A feeling of attachment like no other…

Sensitive to rejection…

Benefit from re-enforcement via action and words…

I took another long swig. Ebony picked one up, and a growl was up my throat before I could stop it. “They’re mine!” I lunged for him, heart suddenly in my throat.

I needed them.

I needed…anythingthat might mean I could give something to her that wouldn’t blow up in her face.

Not going to happen…

Ebony’s lip curled as he stared down at me, but then his eyes fell on my nightstand and he tossed the book back on my bed, crossing toward it.

“You stole from her dream board?” he snarled, picking up the photograph I’d left there.

“No!”I was on my feet in a second, hand closing around his wrist. “I was going to give it back!”

We were both frozen, staring down at the selfie of Vex hugging Aisha in a park.

“Please don’t tell her,” I rasped. “I’ll give it back, I swear.”

He didn’t move, and I still couldn’t take my eyes from the picture.

“Do you think… is it real?” I asked.

“The dog?” Ebony asked.


“What do you mean?”

“She’s always smiling in those pictures. But I just… I don’t know if it’s real.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Because… she had nothing. You saw her place. She… she had nothing.”

Ebony was looking at me like I was mad, and it took me a second to realise I was asking the wrong person.

But… I didn’t need him. In a way, she’d answered it herself. She’d answered it in blood, in words that couldn’t have been a lie.

Dear Rook: For one second, I thought I was safe. You ruined it. Sometimes, you remind me of him. I didn't come for your money or your fame. I came for you. I hate you for not seeing that. I hate you. I want to.