“You never tried—wait,whydidn’t you ever try that? You could have just toldmeto… to put on a Snuggie and sleep on the couch.”

WhatwouldI have done, then?

“I couldn’t engage with it!” he hissed, though it might have been the first time I’d ever seen him blush. “I just… I thought you’d stop coming.”

“Okay. Well, I’m going to try that—”

“I’m not wearing a Snuggie,” he said. “We don’t evenhavea Snuggie.”

“An oversight.”

His eyes narrowed, then he reached into his jean pocket—to order in a truckload of snuggies for me if the last few days were anything to go off of—but caught himself and returned his hands to his lap where he knelt before me.

“Dammit Love!” I groaned. “I can’t handle this.”

“If it would make you feel better, you can leave me here all night.”

“No. No no no. You don’t understand. There is no way in hell I can handle you all… chiselled god topless kneeling at my bedside all fucking night.”

There was literally no way. But Love had to cough roughly to cover his—

“Whyare you laughing?” I demanded.

“I’m not.” He cleared his throat.

“Tell me. Now.That’sa command.”

He looked up at me, keeping his face as straight as he seemed capable. “The experience was mutual.”

“No—youdidn’t feel likethis. You didn’t even know I was an omega.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t need to know you were an omega to know you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen—coming into my room wearing barely a thing.”

My retort stalled at that, blood turning boiling hot as he went on.

“Do you know how uncomfortable it was to have an erectionthat longin one night? At least whenyou’rearoused, you aren’t depriving surrounding tissue of blood.”

I stifled a giggle. “Oh, well I’m sorry the experience wassotaxing for you.”

There was a beat, and the humour died from his eyes. The silence hung between us for a long moment, and when he spoke, his eyes dropped back to his hands. “You should…” He swallowed, jaw ticking. “You should leave me here for a couple of nights atleast.”

“I’m not going to do that,” I said. “Ebony can be my vengeance hound.” That was how he’d put it. My eyes drifted to the windowsill where the broken swan remained before I looked back to Love. “Frees me up for other things.”

“Things like what, Princess?” he asked.


I gripped my sleeves in distress as that nickname did things to me.“I don’t know.”

But this was impossible.How was I supposed to cope?

I couldn’t take my eyes off of him: pale skin, rippling muscle, and he was intimidatingly huge, he and Ebony had to be over six five. His raven braid hung over his shoulder, free wisps curling around his high cheekbones.

And he’d apologised to me.

And every day he was devoted to packing that with as much meaning as he could.

And he’d offered me a princess bond.