And now he was kneeling at my bedside, all‘your wish is my command’, sinful and devastating.

And Drake was going to walk in any moment, and then I’d have to explain it all.



Drake walked in to find me happily hugging a mound of pillows as Love gave me a back massage. A rom com played on the huge screen on the far wall, and I’d switched to a tank top and shorts to make the massage easier (but Love still insisted on being topless).

“The lasagna?” Love asked.

Drake dropped down onto the bed beside us with a sigh. “It’spossibleI’m spoiled and out of practice. I blame you. Ordered in instead.”

Drake glanced a few times between us and the rom com, and I noticed him shifting a little closer as if curious.

“You’ve never asked me to give you massages,” he said. I could swear his voice was wounded.

“I was coerced,” I replied. Though, I couldn’t say this wasn’t nice. It was very nice, and Love’s scent had shifted into something pleased, which was undeniably charming.

“Coerced?” Love asked with a chuckle. “You are the one in control here, Princess. You could command me to stop, and I’d go back to kneeling at your bedside, waiting to be whatever you wanted.”

“Love!” I glanced at Drake in horror as heat rushed places it had no right to. He was frozen, staring between the both of us.

“Lead of the Crimson Fury pack,” he went on. “And you could use me however you wanted.”

A whine slipped from my chest, andfuck me, I knew my scent had just hit the room like an aphrodisiac. My eyes darted again to the side, locking with Drake, who was still fixated on me instead of the movie. There was a part to his lips, and something feral burned in his eyes.

That didn’t help.

That didn’t help one bit.

Love shifted forward, voice just a breath in my ear. “Is this too much for you?”

“I…” I swallowed. Fuck. Slick had pooled between my legs. I couldn’t look at Drake right now, though I could feel his gaze scorching me. The air was thick with blackcurrant wine and vanilla winter, each edged with want, and my hormones were responding in kind.

“Are youtryingto turn me on?” I whispered.

He leaned very close to my ear, speaking just for me. “Maybe I’m putting on a show for Drake.” His touch slid to my hips, fingers curling around to my inner thigh as he pulled me back against him.

“I didnotcommand you to do that,” I whined.

“Actually.” His breath was hot on my neck. “When I asked whatkindof massage you wanted, your words were, and I quote:‘I don’t know, anywhere it’s supposed to be good’.”

I actually shuddered as he lifted one hand and curled it around my neck, drawing me firmly against him. “Imagine what that could mean,” he said. “What I could do to you?”

“Not that I’m complaining, but uh how did we get here?” Drake asked, dumbstruck.

“It was her idea.”

“It was not,” I whined. “He’sfilthy.”

“And you,” Drake’s fingers tangled in mine, and all of a sudden I couldn’t look away from him. “Don’t seem particularly upset.”

It was hard to be upset when Love’s scent was like a blanket of need forme. He wantedme, and knowing that—feeling the truth behind the words he’d offered me the other day—it was like riding a high.

“Do you want him?” Love asked, thumb grazing my jaw.

A sound of desperation rose up my throat. “Yes,” I whispered.