“She saidno!”My aura split the air.“Love!” I turned to him, afraid to let go of Vex. “Tell them no.”

Love was frozen, eyes sliding from Vex to Ebony and Rook.

Then, after a tense silence, he spoke at last.

“No.” Love’s word was a solid command directed at Rook.

Relief washed through my system as Rook shifted one pace toward us.

“She’s in a fucking dark bond,” Ebony snarled, holding up a hand as if to bar Rook from changing his mind. “She could have been commanded to stop us.”

“Why would—?” I began.

“This pack istauntingus.” Ebony cut me off. “Doesn’t seem far-fetched, that they’re just out of reach—watching their command steal our chance of solving this?”

“Enough!” Love snapped. “We’re taking her home.”

Shit, I could see the waver in Rook’s expression, could practically feel him shaking the command off. He could defy a pack lead’s order. Do it too much and our bonds would grow weak, but by his expression, he’d risk it.

“Please Ebony—R-Rook.” Vex’s trembling voice sent cracks down my heart, and I could hear the fresh tears in her words. “Pleaselisten.”

This wasn’t right.

We’d got her back.

She wasn’t supposed to be afraid of us.

There it was again from Rook through the bond, the faintest flicker of insecurity.

I don’t know how we’d become this tense, as if by even touching that door something bad would happen, but I could feel it from Vex.

“I…” Rook was staring at her, an apology in his eyes as he took a final step back, hand outstretched.


They wouldn’t.

“Rook.”Love took a step toward him, but Ebony shifted back, an attempt at blocking both of us.

“Check. It.Now!”Ebony snapped.

“N-no!” Vex dived from my arms, and I was right after her. Ebony and Love’s aura hit the air next as he went for Rook.

I threw the first punch.

Vex tried to launch past us, but Ebony caught her arm. He took my second punch in the jaw, but his fist caught at my shirt even as he staggered, stopping me from getting by him.

“LOVE!” I bellowed.

He better—

But it was too late.

“NO!” Vex’s sob split my heart in two, and I caught sight of Rook, who’d already ripped the door open.


I thought I was done breaking. That I was in as many pieces as it was possible for a person to be in.