But that last plea from Vex shattered me again.

I could keep breaking until there was nothing but dust, I realised.

And it didn’t matter.

For the first time in my life, I agreed with Ebony.

It was the right choice.

And Vex hated me, anyway. She’d hate me forever, so it might as well be me. Ebony, at least, had a chance.

So I wrenched the door open, my aura joining the others, a part of me expecting to be attacked.

But there was no one inside.

I stepped in, Love crashing in behind me, just a second too late. Now, instead, all his instincts were on high alert for a threat as we both stared around the inside of the limo that was almost entirely empty.

Outside, I could hear Vex’s sobs. She wasn’t begging anymore—it didn’t even sound like she was fighting, as if just opening the door was enough.

The inside smelled too clinical—the first sign that something was wrong. There was no trace of raspberry treacle in here. Even if the alpha had been wearing dampeners, her scentshouldbe here.

Naturally, my eyes fell to the only object within.

A little black book rested on one of the leather seats.

With my heart in my throat, I reached for it, a chill sliding down my spine, the sound of Vex’s sobs behind me.

“Rook?” That was Ebony, peering in behind us.

I was already slipping down onto the seat, turning the first page.

My stomach dropped.

Again, the writing was that faded brown.

Dried blood.

Vex’s blood.

Nice job, assholes.

Get her back for five seconds and you’re already fucking this up.

Here’s a secret about her time as your Sweetheart: Every time you broke her fragile little omega heart, she would crawl back to the bathroom and write about it just for me to see.

Now, you can see it, too.

The command is still active, and will only stop if you’ve all read this book back to front.

PS. Now you’ve seen it, you better keep it safe. It’s the ticket to negotiations.

She’ll tell me if you lie.

My hands began to shake as I stared at the page.

Ebony shoved past Love toward me, trying to snatch it from me, but a growl slipped from my chest.

For once, he listened.