
She didn’t understand.

It… It wasn’t like that.

“But how do you feel about it, Rook?” Venice asked. “Having someone try to take advantage of you like that?”

I opened my mouth to tell them Vex wasn’t like that, then halted. We were live… I couldn’t—shouldn’t—say anything right now. There wasn’t enough information.

“I think what gets me is the fact she pretended to be a beta,” Kimberly put in. “It’ssuchan uphill battle for us in this industry, we don’t need omegas taking that from us, too. Elite packs like yours give us something special. Omegas always win with packs, so having a few out there that want betas… it’s always given me so much hope.”

I blinked, still reeling.

This… thiswaspart of the brand. Most of the fame was fuelled by the beta population, and our pack had stationed itself perfectly to receive that affection.

“Come on, let’s hear it from you, Rook,” Venice nudged me. “For all of the Cinderellas out there—all the Sweetheart hopefuls who have your poster on their wall. There’s still a chance, right?”

It was a mistake coming here. I should have known there’d be questions—questions I couldn’t answer. I’d just wanted to get away from it all. My throat was tight as I got to my feet.

I didn’t process what they were saying around me. My name was called, but then the lights were gone. I’d made it to the front door.

I took deep lungfuls of air, staggering toward the car where my driver was still waiting for me.

“Take me home,” I rasped, as I stumbled into the Lexus doors.

We didn’t make it. I had to tell him to pull over halfway there so I could throw up on the sidewalk.

I was shaking by the time I climbed back in, rubbing my face as if it might free me of the flashes of her terrified eyes, pleading through the phone screen.

What was happening to her right now?

We just… we just had to get her back.

What the fuck did that pack want? Why wouldn’t they tell us?

I just needed her back and safe.

There was a bang on the screen between me and the driver. I looked up to see his eyes on me in the rearview, wide and unsure.

My aura…


My aura was out.

I shoved it down with difficulty.

When I finally got home, I’d barely stepped into the foyer when I heard the bang of an office door. Drake stormed toward me, eyes lit with fury.

“What the fuck—?” I cut off as he seized me, slamming me against the door.

“You’re a fucking pig!”


But he was unhinged, aura out. “Rook fucking Harrison agrees that Vex Eden is an enemy of the fans.Now Janine Wiser is holding votes across her socials for which fan looks best next to our pack,while your mate is fucking gone!”

“I didn’t… I didn’t say anything.” I blinked, looking from him to Love. “I didn’t say anything.”