“Exactly!” Drake shoved me again, violet eyes furious. “You didn’t defend her while she was being slandered by—”

“What was I supposed to do?” I demanded. “I mean… Ileft, but was I supposed to throw away years of work, when we don’t know what’s going to—”

I cut off as Drake’s fist split the side of my face.

“We’re getting her back, you fucking idiot. And then what will you say?”

“Whywereyou out on an interview?” Love asked.

“Fuck… I don’t know. I was stressed, alright—?”

“You know who's stressed?” Drake spat. “Your fucking mate. And while we try to convince that pack we want her,you’reon an interview making it seem like—”

“I didn’t say anything!” I repeated, panic seizing me. “I left.”

“Why didn’t you say anything, when they were slagging off your mate?”

“I…” Fuck. I looked to Love. He was silent, but his scent, vanilla winter, had the same edge of rage as Drake’s. “I want her back. I just… I can’t deal with it like you guys can.”

“Deal with it?” Drake asked, affronted. “That’s all you’re thinking about? Yourself? When—”

“I know!” I spat. “I know, and I can’t stop thinking about it, alright? Thinking about what if they don’t reply, what if we can’t get her back—”

“We all are,” Drake hissed. “The rest of us aren’t going out and—”

“She loved you!”I shouted, seizing him by the shirt. “If she never sees us again, she loved you!” The words were choked. “She… she hated me. I made… made her life miserable.”

Their disgusted expressions were too much. I was shaking again, and once more I felt my aura flicker in the air, out of control as the true demon of the night finally reared its head. “That c-can’t be the only thing she ever sees of me.”

“It won’t be.” Ebony was the one who spoke into the silence. “We’re going to get her back. We’ve got an address for her old place.”

I blinked, trying to process that. It wasn’t everything, but it was a start. “Why are we still here?”

“It’s late,” Ebony replied. “You lot try and get some sleep, we’ll leave the moment I get a reply from the building owner.”

“And you—” Love jabbed me in the chest. “Aren’t leaving this house alone until she’s back.”

“What about the Dragon Hunters announcement?” Ebony asked, glancing briefly between us. “It’s tomorrow. That’s not shit the contract is flexible on.”

“I don’t give a shit about the Dragon Hunters contract!” Love spat, turning to him.

I tensed, unsure what to think of that. I got it—I really fucking did. We needed to get her back. But what he was talking about—sabotaging the greatest career opportunity we’d ever landed?

We didn’t have to lose both.

And it wasn’t just about the opportunity.

I needed it. The gruelling hours on set, nothing to think about but the job. Here, all I had was endless hours and a time spent with a frat pack that had left me feeling more hollow.

On set was the only time I was ever good at anything. And they were there, always at my side. My heart quaked at the thought, but where would we be, if something went south with Vex? If Germany wasn’t coming up to distract us?

Packs had fallen apart over less.

Nothing was fitting quite right in my head.

All I knew, was that I couldn’t lose her and lose them.

I couldn’t do it.