I hated the next text that came in from her. I hated that she was begging him.
Vex: Please
Vex: I’m doing everything you wanted.
Pack Lead: Fine. Your choice. Choose Drake, and I’ll leave them out of it. Bring Ebony, you’ll both be punished.
What did that mean?
I waited a while, not wanting to make her suspicious before I knocked on the door.
I heard movement from within, and her voice was weak. “Y-yes. I’m fine.”
“You’ve been in there too long, I’m coming in.”
“N-no it’s—” But I was already pushing the door open, relieved to find it wasn’t locked. She was curled up in the corner, knees to her chest, and when I entered, she shoved her phone into her pocket desperately.
Her face was streaked with tears.
“I’m okay, I—” But she cut off as I strode across the room toward her, not willing to leave her alone a second longer.
“Come here,” I murmured, drawing her up into my arms and carrying her from the room. I sat us on my couch, feeling my own rage simmering beneath the surface as she trembled in my arms.
From agony.
Agony she’d suffered fighting for Drake.
Why was she afraid of Drake coming? I knew she was protective over him, but was there something more to it?
And why had she chosen me, instead?
“Ebony…” Her voice was a raw whisper. “I need… I need you to do something for me. But the others can’t know.”
I tugged her closer, heart settling as she made her choice.
We were protecting Drake.
That, I could do.
I don’t know why it had been Ebony.
It was just a truth that had become an anchor in my life since I’d returned to them. I knew in my bones that he would protect me.
He parked his ridiculously nice car in the location Zeus had sent. He’d told the others we were going out, and said nothing else. He would do this for me, even when I could tell it hurt him. Hurt, or… disturbed him. That was what I was getting through this connection—a big tangle of emotions that were hard to unpack.
“Are you okay?” he asked, jaw clenched.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” I said, though there was no lightness in my voice. “Promise.”
He just stared at me, then his gaze slid across the street where a black limo was pulling in. I could see the calculation in his eyes.
“Please,” I whispered. “Just let’s get it over with.”
Zeus knew he was coming. What if Ebony tried something and it didn’t work?