Page 124 of Sweetheart: Part Two

Vex: I didn’t do it on purpose. They’re celebrities. You didn’t say this couldn’t be public.

I waited, but no more texts came from her.

With difficulty, I forced myself to forward it on. If he replied again, I could delay before sending it.

Only, his reply came in moments, and… shit.

It wasn’t one I could withhold.

Pack Lead: I’ve had enough. I want to see you.

I had to send it, but it had never been this hard before.

My pulse was unusually elevated as I stared at the phone. Mechanically, I forwarded the text, knowing she was in the next room, receiving it.

She would be afraid. I didn’t want to give her that fear.

I felt it from her the moment she read it.

The bite.

The damned bite she’d given me… I couldn’t let it sabotage this. Ineededthis proxy to continue.

Vex: You said you wouldn’t until my heat.

Pack Lead: I told you I wouldn’t interfere. Now you’ve insulted me and pushed that generosity.

Pack Lead: Tell Drake he’s going to drop you off for a meeting with us and that he better come alone or all bets are off.

There was a long, long pause.

Pack Lead: I’m not going to let it go, you little rat.

When the silence continued, I crossed to the bathroom.

She was still in there, afraid.

Before I could act, I received another from her. One that made me freeze. That made it almost impossible to keep sending them.

Her: I’ll ask Ebony.


I stared at it, and my fingers shook in a way I wasn’t used to as I pressed send..

Pack Lead: You’ll do what your fucking told.

Her: It’s Ebony, or I won’t come.

She was so strong. I could hear her on the other side of the door. Her breathing was short and sharp. She was in pain, fighting his orders.

I could feel the echo of her through this connection; she was no longer a bright light, instead she was a void of fear. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to shut this new connection down.

It was almost impossible.

My mate was in pain and I couldn’t do anything about it.

Vex: Let me.