“You okay?”
She looked up as Tate settled his tray on the table beside her and took his seat. “Peachy.”
He opened his mouth to say something — probably a protest — but wisely shut it again. Lines furrowed his brow.
“Who was that you were talking to?” Hopefully she’d managed to keep her fears — maybe even her anger — out of her voice.
“Hmm?” He looked around. “Oh, you mean Heather? She’s on Maxwell’s construction crew and pretty happy to be here instead of flipping houses in the city.”
Jealousy clawed up Stephanie’s throat. “So, you’ve known her a while?”
Tate shrugged and buttered his cornbread. “A couple of years. Why, would you like an introduction?”
She stared at his profile. Was there guilt in his voice? Avoidance? Anything else Stephanie should be aware of?
He picked up his cornbread and had a bite before seeming to notice her watching him. Then he set it down and studied her. “Stephanie? What’s wrong?”
“Have you ever dated her?”
“Heather?” He reared back a little and laughed. “No, why?”
“She’s pretty.”
Tate’s eyebrows angled up slightly. “Lots of women are. That’s not enough reason to ask one out.”
Wasn’t eye candy a thing among the rich and famous? The Sullivan clan might not be famous — not like movie stars or elite athletes — but they had money. That wasn’t why Stephanie wanted Tate, of course, though it didn’t hurt.
She loved him.
He loved her. He’d said so.
Eli had never said he’d loved her. Ergo, she should have known he didn’t. But was saying the words enough? Yes, Tate’s kisses were sweeter, more passionate, than any Eli had bestowed upon her, but maybe he was just a better actor?
Stephanie poked her spoon around her bowl of chili. “Tell me about the women you’ve dated.”
“What brought this on?” He touched her hand, but she jerked away. “Stephanie, are you jealous?”
He was smirking. He had the nerve to smirk, like her feelings were cute. Adorable. Amusing like something Jamie might say or do.
“Of course not.” Probably didn’t sound too convincing.
Tate slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled him against him as he kissed her temple. “I only have eyes for you, sweetheart.”
If she could hold him for three weeks, she could hold him forever, right? Divorce wasn’t an option, not in her family. Her gut clenched. His parents were divorced, so obviously things were different for the Sullivan clan. And, while the air certainly chilled when Maribel and James were both in the same room, they were mostly civil to each other since both worked for the family company.
That had to be awkward. And there was no way Stephanie was having anything to do with this family if Tate abandoned her.
Jamie shoved a fistful of cornbread into his mouth. Crumbs of it clung to the tomatoey smears from the chili. He leaned sideways, met her gaze, and grinned at her.
Although, there was no way she’d be able to walk away from this child. She might not have given birth to him. She might not have known him for the first eighteen months of his life, but she’d known him for six weeks now, and he was firmly entrenched in her heart.
So was Tate.
She’d fight anyone who tried to get between them. Heather, Tina, Kaci… anyone. She wasn’t letting Tate go.
Not on her life.
* * *