“How’s life in paradise?” Bryce met Tate at the edge of the dining room at the end of lunch, his eyebrows waggling as he looked between Tate and Stephanie, who was wiping Jamie down over by their table.

“Fine, why?” Okay, he was lying. What had happened back there? He’d ended up in line behind Heather, one of the few familiar faces who wasn’t family. Chatted with her for all of three or four minutes while the line inched forward. What in there had ticked Stephanie off?

“Your girlfriend got severely jealous over you talking to Heather. Guess that ball and chain is plenty tight around your ankles.”

“I don’t know why that would annoy her.” He wouldn’t bother correcting the word girlfriend to fiancée. In the light of what happened, the distinction made no difference.

“Some girls are just the possessive sort, I guess. You’re going to have to watch your step.” Bryce laughed and shoved Tate’s shoulder as he swaggered past.

Tate turned to watch him go then looked back at Stephanie. She lifted Jamie down from his booster as she chatted with one of the new kitchen helpers — Tina, right? — all traces of frustration erased from her face.

He frowned. Could Bryce be right? All that had been because he’d talked to Heather for a couple of minutes? But it fit. Why, though? He hadn’t done anything wrong. Not remotely. He was the Chief Operating Officer and acting as the Human Resources director, as well. He needed to know the staff. Knowing them meant he had to talk to them. And their crew was fairly evenly split between men and women.

Stephanie was totally out of line if she thought she could keep him from speaking with their female employees. For heaven’s sake, it was part of his job.

He absolutely had not been flirting. He’d smiled. Laughed at Heather’s story about the frog that had startled her on the restroom floor. He’d laughed because it had been amusing.

“Dada!” Jamie darted toward him, dodging the few remaining folks loitering in the dining area.

Tate crouched. When Jamie jumped into his arms, he twirled the little guy high in the air like a helicopter. Jamie chortled with glee. Tate snugged him close. “Hey, shorty. Did you like your lunch?”

Jamie nodded like a bobblehead. “Mmm.”

“I agree. Yum.”

“I’ve got him from here.” Stephanie stood just out of reach, not quite meeting Tate’s eyes.

Yeah, he wasn’t going for that. He took a couple of steps, pulled her resisting body close to his side, and kissed her hair.

“Mama.” Jamie lunged for Stephanie.

“Hey, baby.” Stephanie plucked the toddler from Tate’s arm and turned away.

She tried, anyway, but he stepped in front of her and pulled the pair of them into his arms. “I love you two. Soon we’ll be a family. I can’t wait.”

Letting out a long breath, Stephanie seemed to release the fight. She looked up at him. “I can’t wait, either.”

He held her gaze a few seconds longer. “Maybe we can get away for a walk tonight after shorty here goes to bed.”

“But we can’t lea—”

Tate kissed her, just a quick one. No need to make a display in front of the employees and guests who remained. “We can get someone. Have you forgotten our neighborhood is bulging at the seams these days?”

“Oh.” Stephanie bit her lip. “Maybe.”

“You think on who to ask.” He wasn’t stepping into that one with a ten-foot pole. “They wouldn’t even have to come inside if we left the screen door open and they were hanging out in the green space. Unless Jamie wakes up, of course.”

“That sounds nice.” She leaned lightly against him. “Are you sure you can take the time?”

“I’ll tell Grandfather I’m not working a minute past dinner tonight. I promise.” There had been way too much going on, especially the past week, with various staff orientations and then the arrival of the first guests. He’d had too many evening meetings lately.

“Okay. See you at dinner.”

“Buh!” Jamie blew a kiss at Tate over Stephanie’s shoulder.

Tate grinned and blew one back then turned to the suite of offices off the kitchen corridor. Grandfather stepped out of the newly installed elevator and they walked together to the smaller council room where Graham was waiting for them.

Tate set his laptop on the table. “We don’t have any meetings tonight, right? I promised Stephanie some time together.”