Page 31 of Before I Tell You

“Oh, stop. You know you’re like a brother to me,” she says with a smile as she wipes one tear from her cheek, acting like it was never there. “I better get back to my family, but let me know the next time you stop by so we can catch up.” She hugs me again and walks to the other side of the tavern.

A few minutes later, Natalie appears by my side.

“Sorry, there was a huge line,” she says and takes a seat on the stool I saved for her.

“Don’t worry. I survived.” I stand over her and place both my hands on her thighs as I lean down to kiss her slowly.

“Oh, really?” she teases as our lips part. I notice her cheeks look a little flushed. Probably from the alcohol running through her body.

“Yeah. Umm, actually, Vanessa Gordon came over. I guess she is here for a birthday or something.” I watch Natalie’s face for a reaction.

“Oh …” She turns her attention to the drink in her hands.

“Yeah, she umm … she said she misses you.”

“She did?” Her eyes light up with surprise and eagerness, but then she quickly regains her composure.

“Yeah, she said she tried to call you a few times.” I leave off the fact that she also has no idea why they stopped being friends in the first place.

“I must have missed the calls,” she says with a bit of annoyance.

I raise my hands in the air in defense. “Woah, don’t shoot the messenger.” This makes her laugh, which relieves me.

“So, how can a girl get another drink around here?” she asks, raising her empty glass in my face.

“Ok … ok, but this is the last one. I would hate to have to carry you out of here.” I chuckle and order her another pink drink from the bartender.

“You wouldn’t want to carry me out of here?” She pouts her luscious lips and looks up at me with those damn bedroom eyes. Her arms wrap around my neck, pulling my face toward her. Within a second, her mouth is next to my ear, and she whispers, “I think that would be kind of hot. Don’t you?”

I stand there with my mouth open, turned on as fuck. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?”

“No, not me, Nate.” She giggles as the bartender slides another drink in her direction. She takes a sip of the beverage, which makes her face light up.

“Ok, now I know you’re drunk. You called me Nate, and you never call me Nate.”

“I meant Nathan.” She puts her hand on my chest and looks up at me. “Nathan, you want me, don’t you?” Her hand slowly travels down my chest, but I stop her before she gets too far down.

“Natalie.” I take her hand off my body and hold it in mine. Then, putting my mouth right up against her ear, I speak only loud enough for her to hear. “If you weren’t drunk, I would take you right fucking here and now on top of this bar. Filling your tight little pussy with my cock, making you come over and over again. I wouldn’t stop until I knew with certainty that you were fully satisfied. So, yes, I want you.”

There’s plenty more I want to add, but I decide to practice restraint and save it for another time.

Natalie’s mouth opens in shock. She looks up at me with an expression I am unable to read. “I wish you would,” escapes from her mouth in only a whisper.

I cup her face gently in my hands and look longingly into her eyes. “Someday, beautiful.” I move my thumb deliberately side to side across her bottom lip, feeling her pulse speed up in the palm of my hand. “But not tonight. Not when you’re drunk. Because believe me when I say you’ll want to remember every second of it.” Then, I brush my mouth against hers, back and forth, before I press down gently, tasting the fruity flavor on her lips.

“You taste so sweet,” I say as I pull back. “I like it.”

She laughs, but suddenly, her face turns ghostly white and her body freezes.

“What’s wrong?” I ask. But we’re interrupted by someone screaming my name from across the bar. I turn around and immediately get excited to see a familiar face approaching me.Brian. His enormous stature makes him impossible to miss in any size crowd.

“NATE!” Brian yells for a second time. He tries to pick me up in a bear hug but only manages to lift me a couple of inches from the floor. He would have succeeded too, if not for me being taller than him. What Brian lacks in height, he makes up for in brute strength.

“Brian! It’s been too long, my man,” I say as he puts me firmly back on the ground. I turn to include Natalie in the conversation, but when I look at where she was sitting just five seconds ago, she’s gone.
