Page 61 of A Thirst for Franc

“I don’t mind at all,” Quinn said. Of course she did. She was too polite. “I have met Laurent and Phoebe—oh, and Nero, but that’s it so far.”

“If Nero didn’t scare you off, then I think you’ll be just fine,” Dad said.

“Have you met my sister?” I didn’t even have to say which one. They knew.

“Chardonnay can be—”

“Abrasive,” I said, cutting Mom off.

“She has a heart of gold, and you know it,” Mom said.

“Stop picking on your sister,” Dad chimed in as if I was still fifteen and making fun of the million to-do lists she had neatly written in her notebook.

“As much as I’m loving this conversation, I have to get to work.” I took the tablet from Quinn, and she offered a wave and a bye. “Gio, come say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa.”

“Make sure to give Quinn a tour of the winery and the vineyards.”

“She doesn’t even drink wine,” I said, and my parents gasped.

That adorable blush splashed across Quinn’s cheeks. “Franc promised me a tasting. He said I need to ease my palette into some of the wines.”

“My boy knows what he’s talking about,” Dad said with a little too much pride in his tone.

“I expect a full report,” Mom said.

“That’s not going to happen,” I countered.

“We’ll see,” Mom lilted, and I could already tell she would not let this go.

Gio flew into the room with Sally on his shoulder and slid to a stop in front of me. “Bye, Grandma. Bye, Grandpa. He waved, and Mom and Dad waved back.

“We’ll talk soon,” I said before ending the call. Gio karate chopped the air and ran up the stairs. My shoulders sagged, and I leaned against the wall. “Thanks for humoring them.”

Quinn’s eyebrows pinched above the bridge of her nose. “I wasn’t. Your parents seem really nice. It’s obvious they love you and your entire family.”

“Mom’s going to ask me every time we talk if I showed you around the winery.”

I loved my mother, but sometimes she was like a dog with a toy. Once she got a hold of it, she couldn’t let it go.

“Then I look forward to it.”

“Really? I didn’t think you’d care.”

“I’d love to see where you work, where you practically grew up. The passion you have for your job and the legacy your grandfather started is really—”

“Arousing.” I stepped into her, and she held her hand up, shaking her head.

“I was going to say touching.”

“I like touching, too.” I dragged my finger up her bare arm, then cupped her jaw, tilting her head to mine.

Her eyes widened. “Gio.”

I inhaled deeply, taking her in, savoring her beauty and the anticipation of what was to come later tonight, and let my hand fall to my side. “This whole keeping this is a secret is harder than I thought it would be.”

“It’s not even been two days.”

A reasonable response, but I wasn’t a reasonable man. Not when all I could think about was Quinn’s soft skin beneath my callused fingers. The way she moaned when I took her pink nipple between my teeth. How she screamed my name as she let her orgasm completely consume her. No, reasonable was not even in the same room as me.