“Why not?” Her long lashes fluttered, teeth sliding over that too sexy bottom lip that I wanted to kiss and nip.
“Because I will drag you into the bathroom, bend you over the sink, and fuck you until you can’t walk.”
“Oh,” she said on a lilt. Her eyelashes fanned down. “I wouldn’t mind that.”
Holy hell. I was trying to warn her, save her from the animal raging inside of me that was taking over all my rational thoughts, yet she was all but calling my bluff. I swallowed the desire clawing its way up and clenched my fist to keep from grabbing her hand and dragging her down the hall.
“You’re killing me,” I said.
“You’re the one who attacked me when I walked in the door.”
Her words cooled the inferno inside me. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have. I—”
She pressed a finger against my lips. “Don’t apologize. An apology means you did something wrong, and you did nothing wrong. If Gio wasn’t here, I’d happily let you take me right here. Now I have something to look forward to later.” Her eyes met mine, a promise in those brown irises I couldn’t ignore.
Tonight couldn’t get here fast enough. I kissed her once more, then forced myself to step away. “I should check on Gio.”
“That’s probably a good idea.”
I turned to head up the stairs when Gio appeared at the top. My gaze caught Quinn’s, and the relief I felt was evident in her eyes. We almost got caught.
“Quinn!” Gio exclaimed, the tablet dangling from his hands as he jumped from the last three steps to the floor.
“What have I told you about jumping off the stairs?” I asked, feeling like a broken record.
“I can hurt myself.” He shrugged. “But I didn’t.”
“But you could. That’s the point.”
“Grandma said I’m strong, and if I keep eating my vegetables, I’ll be strong like you.”
“I did say that, but that doesn’t mean you can jump off the stairs!” Mom’s voice echoed from the tablet.
“You didn’t hang up with Grandma and Grandpa?” I asked.
“No, Grandma wants to meet Quinn.”
I closed my eyes and tried not to let my sigh out. Gio thrust the tablet in Quinn’s stunned face. “Quinn, this is my grandma and grandpa.”
“Oh. Hi.” Quinn recovered from her shock quickly and managed a wave, though it looked awkward and uncomfortable. I was going to kill my mother.
“Quinn, it’s so nice to have a face to go with all the stories Gio has been telling us. You have been keeping him quite busy.”
Gio pushed the tablet at Quinn until she took it in her hands and then he took off down the hallway like the little lunatic he was.
“He’s like me. He likes to see and do things, so really he’s been a great companion to take along with me as I discover this amazing town.”
“It is something special. Has Franc given you a tour of the winery? And introduced you to the rest of the Grasso clan?”
“I don’t want to scare her off, Mother.”
“Don’t call me that. You know how much I hate when you do that.”
“I know, which is exactly why I did.”
“Oh, I see. He thinks I’m talking too much,” Mom said.