Page 112 of Fixate

“Fuck!” I blurt out as I reach for the knife, but she steps on it with her foot, dragging it toward her, her hand jutting out and grabbing it before I can. Bringing my sore arm up, I ram my elbow back, and regardless of the pain, I slam it into her ribs. She gasps as the air is knocked from her, but she doesn’t drop the knife as I spin on the floor facing her, trying to stand. She swipes at me, and I jerk out of the way, but the blade scrapes along my cheek.

I wince, my hand snaps to my flesh, and I feel the blood seeping through my fingers.

Selene chuckles. “It always comes back to a shiv, doesn’t it, ladybug?”

Panting, my breathing is harsh as I stand, staring at her. “So this is how it is now, huh? You, me, and a knife?”

Selene lets out a small laugh. “You want to know something, Maxxy?”

Furrowing my brows, I shrug as she stands in front of me, the knife pointed at my chest. “I have a feeling you’re gonna tell me anyway, so go ahead.”

Selene runs the tip of the blade along my temple and down along my jaw, my body shaking at the feel of the cool steel. “The riot with Alina in prison… I knew she was going to come after you that day.”

My eyes widen as I stare at her. “How could youpossiblyknow that?”

Selene chuckles. “Because, ladybug, I planned the whole thing. Why else do you think the guards knew to let me take the fall for you? I wanted to be able to come back and call on you. I wanted to bring you into the Bachelors, Maxxy. I saw potential in you. But you were my biggest failure and my greatest mistake.”

My stomach churns as I take all this information in. “You’re telling me you manufactured the riot. You made me stab Alina just so you could do extra time in jail, so I would have to come and work for you?”

Selene rolls her shoulders. “I mean, it wasn’t just about you, ladybug. I needed to stay in for that extra time to run my scams with other female inmates, but yeah, you were the catalyst. I just didn’t count on you ghosting me. I thought I had made myself more important to you than that. I was clearly wrong, but now, you’re going to pay.”

Insatiable anger flares inside me so hot I can barely contain it. All this time, I felt so guilty because I left her there when it was her plan all along.

“This was fun, Maxxy. But it’s time for you to go.”

Shaking my head as she pulls the knife back, I let out a feral growl. Pushing my hands forward, I grab her hand and try to force the knife back in her direction. We both struggle, the blade moving closer to me, then closer to her.

“C’mon, ladybug, you know you won’t win.” She snarls at me, and it’s enough to ignite my anger.

I scream out, using every ounce of strength I have left, and race forward, making her stumble back. She trips over the toilet, falling back onto it. I don’t waste time, grabbing the knife from her as her fingernails rip into my skin. I don’t hesitate and stab straight into Selene’s chest, the push and pull of the sinew feeling the same as it did when I stabbed Alina. The knife goes straight through Selene’s left breast, her fingers clawing at my face, trying to get me off her, but I don’t stop. Her fingers tear through the fresh cuts, and a wave of pain washes over me.

But I can’t stop.

The adrenaline has taken over.

I draw the knife back out and thrust the blade down again. “Fuuuck. You,” I yell, slamming the knife into her a little more central this time, blood splashing out over my tank top. Emotion washes over me, tears flooding my eyes as I continue to stab. Selene’s body goes floppy as she slumps over the toilet bowl.

Once all my energy is expelled, I let out a loud scream in exhaustion, and fall to the floor, blood everywhere, as I sink to my knees, dropping the knife to the tiles. Then I bring my hands to my face and sob. Harder than I ever have.

Finally, the door to the bathroom slams open.

“Maxxy! Fuck, are you in here?” Hoodoo sounds frantic.

I can’t answer him.

All I can do is cry as I remain on the floor with Selene’s dead body in front of me.

His thunderous footsteps reach the stall door, and he pounds on the wood. “Maxxy? Maxxy, talk to me.”

But I can’t speak.

Before I know what’s happening, the door is pulled from its hinges and basically thrown across the bathroom. Hoodoo is glancing down at me, a terrified expression crossing his face. Hurricane stands next to him, South and Grit guarding the entry.

Hoodoo kneels, caressing my face. “You did good, kitten. Now let’s get you home.” He leans in, gently lifting me into his arms.

I hurt everywhere, but I wrap myself around him.

Hoodoo glances at Hurricane, who nods. “We got this. You get her home.”