Page 111 of Fixate

Grinning, I slide the knife down the back of my jeans. “I’ve got someone to fight for now. You see Hoodoo, you remind him he has someone to fight for too.”

City dips his chin, and I run back inside the club. The metallic tang of blood and smoke lingers in the air. It seeps into my pores, making me feel alive compared to the smell of death invading my senses. The pain-filled moans ripple through my ears. The blood-curdling screams of agony from the people here merely for a celebratory night of fun has now turned into a night of chaos and destruction, all because I needed to seek out my vengeance on Selene.

How many people need to die because of this bitch?

She is the bringer of anarchy.

The crusher of souls.

She singlehandedly brought this club to its knees all because she couldn’t let me go without a fight.

The only way to fix this is to end her.

And even though I am injured, my shoulder still recovering from being dislocated, I’m going to make damn sure Selene doesn’t walk away from the carnage she has created here tonight.

Making my way through the club, my head snaps around, trying to find the fiery redhead, and when I spot the vision of a leopard-spot dress racing for the restrooms, I don’t hesitate, and I take off after her—not caring that my leg is aching and my shoulder hurts like a bitch.

I. Need To. End. This!

She runs into the ladies’ bathroom, probably thinking no one is watching her enter, but I sure as shit am. I step up to the door, take a deep breath, then open it, gun drawn, ready to fire, but as I step through, she is nowhere to be seen.

I aim my gun, pointing it in all directions. But as the door closes behind me, Selene jumps out, slamming her closed fists down on my bad shoulder. I yelp out in pain, feeling it almost pop out again. It causes me to drop the gun, and it slides across the bathroom floor.

Selene grabs hold, shoving me back up into the bathroom vanity. “Fuck you, you stupid bitch,” she screams in my face as I wrestle her off me with only one good arm.

Bringing my knee up, I slam it into her pussy. Her eyes bulge out wide as she gasps, her hands dropping from me as she steps back, trying to catch her breath.

“Fuck me?Fuck you,” I yell back at her, racing forward with everything I have, and slam her through a cubical door into a stall. I close the door behind us as Selene widens her eyes at my actions. Then I reach for my knife, pull it out, and hold it up to her neck, my breaths coming in and out of my nose so rushed I feel like I’m hyperventilating. “I need you to delete the video of me… from everywhere you have it stored.”

Selene tilts her head, looking at me with curious intent. “And so… you’ve finally grown up. I’m proud of you, ladybug.”

I push the knife further into her skin, the blade’s tip digging into her flesh enough for it to pierce so a line of blood trickles down the silver blade. “Delete.The. Fucking. Video, Selene,” I tell her more forcefully this time.

She grins at me, slowly moving her hand into her bra. I watch her movements as she pulls out her cell and puts in her code, pulling up the encrypted server where the video is stored. “Once you delete it from here, it will be gone from all devices,” she informs me.

“And there are no backups, fail-safes, not sent to any emails?” I ask.

Selene chuckles. “No one can get into the Bachelor encrypted server. There’s no need for backups.”

I let out a snort. “Except for when someone has a knife to your throat.”

Selene smiles, handing me the cell. “Except for then.”

I play the video, checking it is the right one. Then I hit delete, and a pop-up flashes saying, ‘Delete from all devices.’ I click yes, and it asks if I’m sure. I click yes again, watching as the files, one by one, are deleted from all the different folders and locations.

Letting out a small laugh as a message pops up, ‘Files Permanently Deleted.’ I slide her cell into my pocket so I can get Raid to make sure. It might be good for him to hunt around the rest of their system while he’s at it.

Selene huffs under her breath, pushing back a little against the blade. “I’m going to make you pay for this, ladybug.”

Curling up my lip, I huff. “You know, I alwayshatedwhen you called me that.”

Selene’s eyes widen, and suddenly she uses all her strength, shoving me forward, my back hitting the stall door. I let out an “oomph” as she grabs for the knife. I groan as I struggle with her, my shoulder straining against her as she rams herself into it, causing me to moan in pain. My natural instinct is to let go of the knife, but I try to keep hold of it as she raises her hand, grabbing for the blade. Her other hand slams down on my bad leg, hitting my skin graft exactly where she sliced off my tattoo. I scream out in pain, and I can’t help but drop the knife to the floor.

Selene immediately falls to the cold tiles, clambering to pick it up, but I bring my knee up, slamming it into her face. She tumbles back, her head jerking and hitting the toilet bowl as I drop to my knees to grab for the knife.

My heart races so fucking fast.

Selene reaches out, grabbing my hair, yanking on it so hard my neck spasms. She rams my head into the side of the stall, narrowly missing the toilet roll dispenser.