“Maybe,” I breathe.
He cups my pussy, “No, not maybe. If I say you are, then you are. I fuck you where I want.” Trevor pinches my clit through the thin fabric of my panties, “Isn’t that right?”
“Yes,” I whimper.
My entire pussy throbs when he talks like this. He’s one hundred percent alpha male. I might pretend otherwise, but I fucking love it.
“Good girl,” he growls as we pull up to Max’s house.
We walk into Max’s office, and I’m surprised to see Hunter sitting there with a glass of whiskey in his hand.
He rises when he sees us, and I give him a back slap, “Hey man. I didn’t know you’d be here.”
Sitting back down, he says, “After what those assholes did to Jade, of course I’m going to be here and help take them down.”
I nod. It makes sense. I just didn’t realize he’d be here. I know if it had been Mia, I’d be there without a doubt.
We both sit in Max’s newly redecorated office. The walls are a deep gray, mostly bare except for a larger-than-life painting of Willow. White trim lines the top and bottom of the walls. Two black ‘L’ shaped sofas sit connected to each other, making one massive fucking couch. Mia and I sit on the end closest to the door while Hunter is smack dab in the middle.
Max sits behind his desk, finishing paperwork while pretending nobody is here. Hunter glances at me, stifling a grin.
It’s Mia that speaks up, “Hey asshole. It’s rude to ask us to come over and then pretend we’re a couple of fucking ghosts.”
Hunter glances at Mia, “A few. Three people are a few. A couple is two.”
“We’re waiting for someone else. Relax,” Max says.
Mia glares at Hunter for a solid five minutes, then jumps up, and suddenly, she’s on top of him with her knife in her hand. The blade is just under his neck. I know I should try to get her off him. But fuck. Mia being psychotic for absolutely no reason is just as hot when she has an actual reason.
“How about I stab you three times and you tell me if a few hurts more than a couple.”
When Hunter moves his hips, trying to buck her off, I nearly lose my fucking mind.
“Mia, get the fuck off him before I spank your ass red.”
Max laughs as if he’s thinking it’s exactly what she needs.
“Mia,” I growl.
She climbs off him, places her knife back in her thigh holster, and sits back beside me.
I place an arm around her, pulling her close. I whisper in her ear, “Bad girl, Kitten. I think you know how I feel about you being on top of other men. I just need to decide if I should spank you, deny your orgasms, or both.”
She whimpers so lightly I wonder if I actually heard it.
Nash walks in and tips his head down in greeting.
Mia says, “Hey, pretty boy.”
“Mia,” I growl.
“Hi Nash,” she says while rolling her eyes.
Max hands Nash four folders, “Pass them around.”
I open mine and find six photographs.