Page 10 of An Unhinged Wedding

“Those are all of the men high up in Joey's organization. Michael, Lane, Parker, James, Stephen, and of course, Joey, are dead men. But we start at the bottom and work our way up. When all of his top men are dead, he’ll come out of hiding.”

If you could glare at a picture and kill the person in it, they’d all be dead. Hunter is pissed. Not that I blame him. He has wanted to get his hands on Joey’s crew since I got Jade back for him.

Hunter growls, “It was Parker in the video with Jade. I want him.”

Max looks up from his folder, “Whoever can apprehend him will do so. The kill is yours. I guarantee it.”

Hunter nods, “Thank you, man. I appreciate it.”

As much as it would’ve killed Hunter, what Max or Mia says goes. If Max said someone else would get the kill, Hunter would’ve gone along with it. Much like me, he feels like he owes Max everything. And, of course, if it weren’t for Max, I never would’ve met Mia. I owe him my life for that.

“Tomorrow, Parker and Stephen will be in New York meeting with a pimp. They are planning to bring twelve girls back with them. We’re going to go to New York and take them out after they get the girls so we can rescue them.”

Mia rubs her hands together like she’s as excited as a kid on Christmas Day, “When do we leave?”

Max grins, “Six A.M.”

My beautiful psycho is nearly jumping out of her seat, “It’s been too long since I’ve seen some action. I’ll be ready.”

“They’ll be at the Henderson Hotel. We’ll be let in a back door where the camera’s will be disarmed and given keys to their rooms.”

Nash crosses his arms over his chest, “By?”

“Domenic DeLuca’s men.”

Nash shakes his head and sighs, “Is that wise?”

Max arches an eyebrow and slams his fist on the blacktop of his desk, “If it weren’t, I wouldn’t do it. Don’t question me again.”

Things are tense between those two, but I’m not sure why. Max is a little rough around the edges, but he gets along with everybody except those he kills. The lives he ends these days are far and few between. I don’t know what the story is between these two assholes, but there’s one.

Hunter and Nash rise to leave, but Mia says, “Max I want to talk to you about the church.”

After they both leave, they close the door. Mia explains to her brother that she wants to get married in the church where she was abused. His reaction is much like mine. He thinks she’s insane, but he backs down once he realizes it’s important to her.


She smiles at me, “I want a Christmas wedding.”

Max raises an eyebrow, “It’s October, Mia. That gives you just over two months.”

He looks to me for help, “Is this what you want? This soon?”

I can’t stifle the stupid grin on my face, “Absofuckinglutely. If I had my way, she’d already be my wife.”

He grabs a notepad, “What day, Mia?”

She beams as she gazes at me, “Christmas Eve.”

“Why so soon? Are you pregnant?”

Mia snorts and starts laughing, “Oh my God, never.”

Oh, my beautiful little Kitten. You are so very wrong.

“Alright. Christmas Eve it is.”

She jumps out of her seat, runs behind Max’s desk, and throws her arms around his neck, “Thank you, Big Bear.”