His tongue shot out and gave the baby a kind lick and it seemed to curve itself toward that attention. Holding her breath, not saying anything to spoil the moment, Demi slowly released her grip on the baby and held it so the wolf could poke and nuzzle it as if he needed to be sure the cat was fine.

Lowering it to the floor now, all her fear dissipated, she went to the fridge and took out the milk to heat. Then she reached inside and got the chunk of steak they had left over from the night before and held it out to her furry savior. Damned if he didn’t look at her and then the floor with implicit eye instructions that she should just drop it.

“No way, buddy. You want to save my life, then you need to stop being such a little prick. Take it from my hand.” She pushed it closer his way. And as if he understood her admonishment, he slowly took it from her and then quickly turned away to gulp it down.

After that, she lit the fireplace in the way Whit had taught her to do. And then she used the old-fashioned method of adding logs to the side of her old wood stove to heat a kettle. Looking around the warming room, she’d never felt so glad to be alive. Smells of wood burning filled the air and yet the whistling noise of the storm outside reminded her of how close the separation was from safety to death.

Remembering her promise to Norrie, she got her phone and sent a text. Finally, she had enough of a fire going that she could heat soup and tea for herself. She sat to eat in the blessed warmth of her wonderful, safe little home and thanked the gods for getting her through the earlier nightmare.

Suddenly, her eyes dropped to the floor where the kitty had snuggled between the paws of the wolf, and both were playfully licking at each other. Her heart did a huge flip and sure as hell those self-protective barriers inside her opened and both pets were firmly shut in along with the very few people who had ever meant anything to her. She swiped at the dampness under her eyes and sighed… a sound of pure joy.

Later, as she gathered the wood from the shed to bring inside for the night, the bastard followed her out the door. Knowing she had no right to keep him imprisoned, she let him come and then watched as he ran a few steps into the night.

Before he left the circle of light from the windows, he turned and barked at her. She waited and watched to see what he wanted. Moving into the tree line, he disappeared but still she waited. And just when the cold would force her back inside, he reappeared and stood staring back at her.

She didn’t move.

Nor did she call.

Sensing it had to be his decision, she watched him circle and circle again. He seemed to be deciding whether he wanted the wild or the woman.

Shivering, the wind snatching her breath, she knew she couldn’t stay out in the weather without proper gear much longer. A warm sweater would only keep out so much cold.

Her hands freezing, as well as her face, she finally had to give in. It wasn’t her battle. Because he’d saved her life, he’d always have a place with her but only if he wanted it that way.

As if the pup knew she had to go inside, he growled his permission and then ran off into the night. Five minutes later, a bark at the door brought a happy grin to her face. When she opened it, the wolf walked inside as if he’d done so all his life and curled up in front of the fireplace where the kitty had been in its little bed. As soon as the gray ball of fur saw the wolf, she climbed out of the box, comically falling over, rolling to her feet, and happily made her way to where the wolf lay. Nestling close inside it’s front paws, it also curled into a small ball and dropped off to sleep.

Watching the two, Demi felt a wonderful peace glide over her, settling her nerves. All was well in her immediate world. Taking a blanket, she walked over to the big chair Whit favored and curled herself into a ball. Now if only Glen, who’d gone out in the bitter cold to search for a lost man, would appear and tell her the rescue had been a success. Then she’d be really thrilled.

Her last thought as always went to the man she couldn’t forget. The man whose voice she credited for her making the right decisions earlier to save her life.

Where had he disappeared to? Nothing she could do now… but she wouldn’t stop searching.

As she drifted off, the tall man who’d stayed beside her over the last horrifying hours appeared in her dreams. At first, they seemed hazy and tense.

It was as if she sensed he needed something, so she’d force herself closer. But he kept pulling away. Again she’d track him, find him, and try to move in, but he wouldn’t allow her to get near him.

She broke down and begged… all the while understanding it was a dream yet powerless to stop. With every cell in her soul she wanted to get through to him… no, needed to get through to him. But he’d turn his face away every time.

Suddenly the surroundings darkened. And as if her continuing struggle broke through his defenses, he appeared and brought her to him, holding her against his hard body. His mouth found hers then, and in a kiss that ravaged her lips and reached the inner sanctions of her soul, he reminded her of why she cared.

She reveled in that kiss, growing stronger with every sweet second. Loved tasting him again. Wanted to stay by his side forever. But just as she thought maybe everything would be okay, he wrenched himself out of her arms and faded away… leaving her grieving and forlorn.

Chapter Ten

Whit couldn’t believe his luck. Finally good news. “You’re serious? You’ll do the operation?”

“On one condition. You have to promise to wait at least a few more weeks. I know it’s tough, and like I already told you, go back home and wait it out if the time seems to be too long.”

“I can’t.”

“I know. Thought I’d try. Look, I set it in my schedule for the middle of November. My office will notify you of the exact date.”

Heart dropping, Whit grumbled. “But that’s over three weeks away.” Disappointment showed clearly in his attitude and tone. “See, the whole idea of me getting this surgery is so Icango home… healed. Not blind like now.”

“Whit, you’re one stubborn son of a bitch. Sorry man, that’s the best I can do. To operate too early is asking for failure. Besides, aren’t they still doing plastic surgery on your face?”

“Yeah. But the last one is tomorrow. Then a week or so to heal and I’ll be good as new.”