He sensed the doctor’s skepticism and felt his stomach plunge. Chills of fear formed, and he demanded an answer. “What? My face is still a mess? Tell me.”

“Whit… man, you’re never going to look exactly as before. Some of those scars are there for life, we told you that. They’ve done an amazing job, but you’ll have to accept that the left side of your face is always going to be a bit puckered. Not that it takes away from your pretty mug. You’ll still have the women attacking in droves.”

“Like I give a shit. There’s only one that matters, and according to a buddy who’s staying with her, she’s so pissed at me right now, I doubt I’ll ever get back in her good graces.”

The doctor’s face softened, his attitude changing. “You’ll just have to make her understand the hell you’ve gone through so far, and what it’s been like for you all this time.”

Feeling guilt rush over him, he admitted, “She might. Understand. If she knew I was here.”

“What does that mean?”

“She thinks I’m still missing from the fire. She doesn’t know I survived.” Putting it into words made his reasoning seem petty somehow… worse than when he’d come up with the plan.

“Christ man, seriously? No wonder you’re always alone for these appointments. You’re one stubborn ass, you know that?” The doctor hesitated and then added, “Maybe don’t ever let her know how you closed her out… it might be easier. Then she can’t kick the shit out of you for putting her through such turmoil.”

“Yeah. I’ve thought about it, even decided if I didn’t get my sight back I might just fade away. Except, I couldn’t do that. This whole endeavor is so I can get back to her and pray she’ll forgive the deceit. Understand that I needed to come back as the man she remembers and-and not a pitiful needy one.” He saw the other man staring at him strangely and added, “She tends to gather those kinds of people, and I could never be sure if she wants me for myself… or because she feels the need to look after me.”

“Hmmm. I see where you’re coming from. But I also know you’re a smart dude. I’d put money on you being able to tell the difference.”

“I’d have thought so too. But with her, I’d never be sure.”

A voice inside confirmed his suspicion.When a man wants a woman as much as you want her, you could be convinced she cares just because it’s you.

Chapter Eleven

Exhausted and looking forward to his bed, Glen traveled home and suddenly noticed a huge drift off to the side of the road. Leaving the snow mobile he’d taken from Duffy; he strained to the white covered mass and saw the color of the roof.


Oh, God, no.

Panicking now,he cleared away enough of the snow to make out the truck. His heart thudded to a stop. Jaws clenched, sweat broke out while he struggled to remove more of the shit to see through the windshield.

It’s empty. She’s gone. Jesus Lord!

He didn’t know whether to be happy or not. His brain told him that anyone who’d stayed overnight in that vehicle would probably have frozen to death. From midnight on, the temperatures had dropped to almost fifty below and had stayed there for hours. It’s why he’d had to wait in town overnight. But as soon as the weather had lifted and clear skies followed, he’d headed home.

Was he too late? Guilt made him feel as weak as a drunk, he made his way to the machine and began racing the rest of the way to the cabin. Searching closely from one side of the flawless white sheet to the other, he looked for any telltale signs of her body.

Once he turned the last curve and saw the smoke from the chimney, he finally took a full breath and stopped again. He couldn’t appear to Demi like the wild man he was at the moment. He’d scare her with this reaction. Hell, he scared himself. Instead, he released his torment in thinking he’d lost her and let it rip. Only once in his life had he felt this terrified… when Johnny had passed into the spirit world, leaving him alone.

The sentiment tore his insides apart and it took a while before he stopped shaking and could appear normal. He used the snow to wash his face, hoping the coldness would clear the swelling around his eyes. Then he started the engine again and roared to the house.

What greeted him left him speechless. The door flew open, and the wolf emerged like an avenging monster, barking his wrath. Quickly followed by a glowing Demi. “You’re home. Thank God.”

She flew off the porch into his arms, uncaring of the snow, just wanting to let him see how happy his being safe meant to her.

“Bastard stop barking. It’s Glen.” She finally gave the order so she could hear him speaking. The dog glared at both of them, turned his back, and lopped off into the woods.

“Okay. There’s a story you’re dying to tell me, right?”

“Yes. Come inside. First tell me about the search.”

They closed the door, and she quickly went to the kitchen area to put on the kettle. When he’d hung up his outer wear, he perched near the counter and started. “We found him.”

“Thank God.” She stopped her preparations and looked at his face.

“Please tell me he was alive.”