She dithered.I can’t take a chance and stay here because who knows how long Glen will be.

The instant thought of finding a dead kitty and a frozen cabin helped make up her mind.

I have to get home.

She went back to the truck and gathered the gear she knew she’d need. First, she found the flashlight, and then she opened the package of hand warmers to put inside her mittens. Adding another sweater under her parka, and a tuke that would cover her ears, she pulled the hood up and turned off the truck, leaving the keys in the lock. Hopefully, whoever found it would be able to dig it out and bring it home.

Then she started in the direction of the cabin, fighting every step of the way. In the complete mercy of the storm, the cold soon filtered through her clothes. The driving snow made her flinch and fight to keep her face protected. Soon, her eyelids gathered small ice balls and her breath seemed to freeze in front of her with every breath she exhaled.

Keep moving, Demi. No matter what happens, don’t stop.Whit’s voice sounded close again, and she took comfort from what she knew he’d say.

Her mind traveled back to the last time they’d been together, the day he’d headed out to fight the fire with Glen. He’d kissed her then, and she’d let him… actually kissed him back.

It hadn’t been a time to draw lines of behavior. Just time to let him see that he mattered. That she cared if he came home safely, and that she believed in his venture to help save the city from the wild fires.

Trudging through the snow that in places came to her knees, she wished with all her heart that he was there with her. He’d know what to do.

God, she was tired. She had to stop… catch her breath.I need to lay down for a minute and rest.

No! Don’t! Keep going. You’re closer now. So close, girl. Move.

Except she didn’t. Instead, she dropped to her knees and then rolled to her back. For what seemed like a lifetime, she lay there knowing her mind was shutting down… knowing she shouldn’t let it. But she was so fucking tired.

Chapter Nine

Demi had no idea how long she floated in and out of reality. At one point she thought she saw the face of the little bastard. Something kept pushing at her, nudging her to pay attention. Then she felt a warm tongue on her skin, licking her face.

Eventually, the whining in the background turned to loud barks of warning. That’s when she sensed her danger. He wanted her to get up.

“Go away.”

Growls answered her order, and fear made her open her eyes. They stared at each other, and then he lunged. When she flinched back, he grabbed at her hood and pulled as if to force her to try.

Feeling badgered, she struggled to do what he seemed to want her to do. She wrestled to her knees. And then to her feet. He leapt at her to make her move, and she did, thinking if she didn’t, he’d take a bite out of her for sure. She had to get to safety.

As if having the beast beside her made a difference, she fought hard to keep moving. Suddenly, through the driving snow, she saw a mound in front of her and realized it was Whit’s truck.The rope is nearby. The pole… find the pole.With the last bit of strength, she forced her way through drifts now thigh deep and reached the post which held the rope.

Stopping from sheer exhaustion, she almost broke down when the wolf pushed at her again, growling and barking. Demanding more of her. With the last ounce of strength, she grabbed the line. Using it as a guide – and what seemed to take hours – she finally fell onto the steps of the cabin.

Gathering her last bit of strength, she staggered to the door. Reached up and opened the latch. And fell inside, crumbling face down on the floor. She didn’t remember closing the door but when she woke a while later it had been shut.

The smell of fur and the weight that lay across her back finally woke her to the realization that she was warmer now and could function.

Voice unrecognizable, she grumbled. “Get off me, you big lug.” She didn’t care if he ate her or not, his bulk had become heavy and surprisingly warm.

She flipped over to look up into the face of the little bastard. Only now he wasn’t so little anymore. Over the weeks he’d been gone, he seemed to have grown a lot. She didn’t move and neither did he. They just kept eye contact. No way did she intend to even blink. Strangely… though she knew she should be afraid, she felt no fear, just curiosity. Finely, she spoke. “So, pal, why did you save my life? You miss those steaks I kept feeding you?”

The wolf didn’t move. He stopped making eye contact and seemed to look over her head. Then he rose and loped over to the box near the stove where she’d left the kitten. Then he turned her way again. She’d swear he was trying to tell her that she needed to deal with the distressed meowing of a hungry, frightened feline.

When she didn’t move quick enough, he wolf trotted back to her and nudged her with his muzzle as if to say… enough bullshit. Stop lying around and look after your charge. A laugh built and Demi snickered at her fantasies but still did as she knew she should.

Slowly, carefully, not making any sudden moves, she gathered her strength and sat up to remove her mittens and boots. Then she clung to the chair and pulled herself to her feet. Shaky, her legs still not quite as sturdy they should be, she finally dealt with her sopping parka.

Next, as her muscles seemed to be working better due to it being warmer, and understanding that the power was out, she knew she couldn’t deal with the generator right now.

Instead, using her flashlight, she gathered what she needed to light a few of her coal-oil lamps. Next, she went to the poor baby still crying out for attention. When she lifted it in her arms, the wolf stepped close and cornered her so she couldn’t get away.

Fear exploded, and she hid the kitten as close as possible to her body, but the wolf kept coming until they were only inches apart. To her surprise, the kitten struggled to get out of her grasp and arched toward the dog.