When she returned to tell him they were bringing a stretcher, Clive let out a groan. “It’s too late. He’s gone.”

Unable to believe it, Demi’s eyes questioned his. “But the last time I checked his breathing seemed better.”

“I know. I figured we’d get him here in time. But after you left, he peered around as if he were lost and then said, “I’m sorry.” That’s it. He clutched his chest and fell back.”

Seeing the shock on Clive’s face, Demi reached out her hand to the poor man. “We did what we could, Clive. Please don’t fret. He was a very sick man. Maybe if there hadn’t been a storm to contend with, we could have brought him here last night. Not sure it would have made a difference though.”

Clive squeezed her fingers and then got out of the truck to help the arriving doctor with the patient. Before she could think about what to do next, Glen appeared to sweep her into a hug.

“Hi. You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

“Hi yourself. I’m so thankful you made it through that crazy night. Whit texted it was a nightmare.”

“Yeah. Don’t ever want to be out in another blizzard like that one. How is our hero?”

“Other than his left eye looks pretty bad, he says he’s fine. He’s on his way in with his own truck.” She looked into Glen’s eyes and saw his widen as if his instinct warned him to brace for what she had to say. “I have some bad news, buddy. Fred didn’t make it. He had a heart attack last night at the cabin and just now in the truck, he had another. This time it took him.”

Glen’s mouth tightened and his next words were spit out from a man with no compassion for the victim. “Good riddance. He came close to killing his own son. Rudy’s going to make it, but only because we got him here in time for them to operate.” Glen looked into her eyes, his filled with loathing. “I hate to speak ill of the dead, but I have no sympathy for a man like that.”

“You will have once you hear the full story. It was Fred’s to tell, but now it’ll be mine. Where is Rudy by the way?”

“He’s still under. They’re keeping him sedated.” His voice lowering, Glen added, “He took a real beating last night, Demi.”

The distress in his tone obvious, she stepped in to give him a hug, something she’d never have been able to do until she moved to Alaska. “I know. I prayed his youth and strong body would save his life. I’m glad he’s going to make it.”

Once they’d moved Fred’s body into the building, Demi followed Glen inside, and they walked to Rudy’s room. There they found him awake and groggy yet asking about Fred. Before Glen could blurt out the truth, Demi grabbed his arm to hold him back. Instead, she moved by the bed. “He’s fine now, Rudy. We’re more worried about you.”

Once he heard the news about his father, Rudy’s eyes searched for Glen’s. A side grin later, a deep sigh followed before his eyes closed and he dropped off.

They went to the café, grabbed coffees, and Glen filled her in on the snowmobile trip the night before. By the time he’d finished, Demi’s eyes were filled, and her body quaking. “Lordy, dude, why would you let Whit turn around and come back?”

“I had no choice. He insisted you shouldn’t be left alone with Fred, especially in the state we left him. I agreed. We were shitting bricks over your safety. One of us had to return and Rudy needed me. Besides, I could never have handled that machine like Whit. He’s a magician. I swear it. It was a miracle we made it to the junction.”

Demi didn’t doubt Glen’s words, not after she saw the worshipping look in his eyes. Before she could answer, the man in question strode into the café and joined them. “How’s Fred and Rudy?”

Demi reached for his hand. “Fred didn’t make it. Rudy did.”

“Good. It’s what the old man would have wanted. He made me promise last night to tell Rudy how sorry he was, and that he loved him. Guess he had a suspicion he might not make it.”

Demi watched Glen’s expression harden. She added that Clive told her the same thing. That Fred’s last words were that he was sorry. Before she could elaborate, Glen shoved back his chair and walked out of the room.

When she stood to follow, Whit held her back. “Let him go. He needs some time to think this out. Tell me about Rudy.”

“We stopped to see him, and he looked pretty weak but was conscious for a few minutes. We didn’t tell him about Fred.”

“Good. Wait till he’s stronger.” They finally stood and made their way to Rudy’s room where they found Glen sitting by Rudy’s side, holding his hand. They tiptoed to the back and made themselves comfortable. After an hour of playing on their phones, they rose and went to Glen. “Do you need anything? We’re going to see Norrie.”

“Maybe a sandwich and a drink. The bun I got earlier from the clinic was stale.”

“You got it. Call if you think of anything else.” Whit squeezed his shoulder and then waited for Demi to pass so he could settle his hand on her waist to guide her from the room.

She’d never known another man who did that for a woman and now that she was used to the attention, she appreciated it for what it meant.You’re important to me… I’ve got you.

After catching up with Norrie and the rest of the townsfolk in the store, all discussing the brutal storm and how folks weathered it, Demi took her friend aside. “Did the order for my presents and the tree decorations arrive?”

“Yep. Got them in the back. Want me to ask Whit to take them to the truck?”

“I’ll ask him later. We’ll stop by before we head home. I have a few items I need to grab since I’m in town.”