A sound from the couch caught her attention, and she went to find Fred sitting on the edge, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders.

“Hi, Fred. How do you feel? Can I help you to the bathroom?”

“No. No, I’m fine. Is W-whit here?”

“He’s outside with Clive. They’ll be back in a little while. I’m making breakfast. Are you hungry?”

“No. No, I couldn’t eat. Maybe another aspirin or two.”

Demi quickly gathered what he asked for and held out the spoon, waiting for him to take the medicine. “Do you have more chest pain?”

“It’s not as bad as last night. I’ll be fine. I need to talk to Rudy.”

“I know. Whit’s hoping that Clive can take you back to town with him. Would that be okay with you?” Relieved that Fred seemed more himself, Demi knew she needed to treat Fred with respect, no matter what went down previously.

Fred slumped back against the couch, his slack legs out in front of his body. It appeared like his muscles couldn’t hold him upright anymore, and she worried he’d end up on the floor.

“Sure. I’m ready anytime.” He closed his eyes then and she wasn’t sure if she should try and help him lay down or let him be. The sizzling of the bacon made up her mind for her, and she ran to rescue their food.

In seconds, the door opened and Clive stomped in with Whit behind him. “Gol-ly, it smells good in here.” The bearded, heavy-set, red-cheeked man smiled with delight as he disrobed. “I hope that food is for us cause I’m starved.”

“It sure is, Clive. Glad to see you. Whit said you might come and clear the road so we can get out. I appreciate it. Come, sit down. Make yourself at home.”

“Don’t mind if’n I do. Thanks, Demi.” He took the chair against the wall and held out his mug as she poured him some coffee. She caught Whit’s eye and nodded her head toward the couch, glad to see him pick up on her hint immediately.

While he checked on Fred, she talked with Clive. “It looks as if the blizzard has slowed down some.”

“Yep. But it sure was a beaut. Never seen anything like it. The town’s in a mess. It’ll take days before we can dig everyone out. I wanted to get Whit free with his truck because I know he’ll help with his small plow to clear places I can’t get into.”

“I’m sure he’ll be happy to help. If there’s anything I can do, let me know.”

Clive watched as Whit helped Fred to the bathroom. Then he pointed their way and lowered his voice. “Whit said he’d feel better if I brought Fred into town in my snowplow in case his got stuck. Heard he’s doing poorly.”

She leaned in close. “He needs a doctor, Clive. I’m really worried about his heart.”

“Holy shit. You mean he could have an attack in the truck? Hey, it’s not a good idea for us to be alone then. I can’t stop and take care of him while I’m driving. Maybe you could come in with us.”

Demi dished up a plate filled with hot food for Clive. Then she brought a huge tray filled with toast and jams to the table. “Of course I can. You and Whit will have to carry him outside, but I can go along with you just in case he has any more trouble.”

Whit appeared and took his seat. “What’s all this whispering about?”

Since Clive’s mouth was full, Demi leaned in close to Whit and explained their idea. “We’d better take him as soon as we’re done eating. I don’t want to take any chances. He’s really sick.”

“I know, honey. Though his mind seems more active, his body is weaker.”

In a short time, they all got ready with Whit gently helping Fred, almost dressing him like one would a child. The older man clung to him in a way that brought tears to Demi’s eyes. She knew how wonderful her man was but when she saw the appreciation of others, her pride swelled almost unbearably. Never in her early foster child life had she experienced such caring… well other than Tanner and Bella. But they were like her siblings. Fred meant nothing special to Whit… just a drunk old man from town. One whose bad behavior the night before had put everyone against him.

By the time they lifted Fred into the truck and had him belted in, Demi slipped in beside him and they were on their way. In the distance, she watched her wolf by the porch light, gulping the bacon and toast she’d thrown out for him. He lifted his head to survey the scene, and she smiled with satisfaction. She had no doubt he would guard the place while they were gone.

Soon, they headed in the direction of the road and passed by Whit shoveling his own truck out so he could use it. He’d started the engine and they’d all breathed a sigh of relief when it revved up. Being able to plug it into the new generator had saved their life many times this winter.

Clive lowered the plow and again scooped out the huge banks of snow in the middle of the road that were left on his way in. She watched his concentration and admired the way he handled his vehicle… like he drove nothing more unusual than a normal sedan. As he worked the gears, shifting it many times, she checked Fred.

Once he’d settled into the truck, he’d reached for her hand, let his head slide to her shoulder, and then appeared to again fall asleep. His color had paled, and his breathing had become more shallow, but she didn’t want to disturb the man any more than necessary, especially now that they were so close to a medical facility.

She looked over at Clive and saw he’d been watching her, his eyes questioning. She shook her head and felt the truck speed up. Once they hit the junction, her teeth unclenched, and she calmed herself. The highway from here would be a cinch after that narrow, wicked path through the forest.

In no time, they pulled up to the clinic. Demi struggled to release Fred’s grip in order to go inside and get help, leaving Clive to watch over their patient.