Demi quickly removed her scarf and tied it around his body and pulled hard to make a bandage that would block the gaping wound and stem the blood.

Pulling out her phone, she called to Whit. When he didn’t answer, she called Glen.

He answered quickly and listened as she explained her need. Voice low, he said the words she needed to hear. “Hold on. I’ll be right there.”

Chapter Twenty-two

Leaving Doc Harper’s office, Demi and Glen walked to the truck where Rudy swayed as he stood to greet them. Demi could see the glazed look in his eyes.Seriously? In the middle of the afternoon?

Had he gone over to the bar while they’d been in with the vet? He looked loaded and stunk of liquor. No way she’d be trusting him to get her and Nito back to the cabin.

She turned her gaze to Glen, her eyebrows raised. Thankfully, he seemed fine and yet she smelled the evidence that he’d had some beer too.

Sick to her soul, she just didn’t have the patience to deal with that shit at the moment. Still fixated on Nito, she stood in the middle of the sidewalk and tried to decide what to do next. Doc Harper hadn’t been able to go near Nito until she’d stood in-between them. Then he’d given the wolf an injection to put him out. It was the only way the doc could stitch him up.

She made up her mind. She’d either reach Whit now or she’d keep trying. No way she wanted to spend any time with Rudy or Glen.

“Thanks for the help, guys. I’ll call Whit to pick us up.”

Glen stepped up. “You don’t need to call Whit. We can take you home, Demi.”

“Nah, don’t wait for me. I can’t go anywhere yet. Not without Nito. And I can’t leave him here with Doc. He already tried to eat him earlier. Don’t worry. I’ll contact Whit. Nito might not react so much with someone he knows.”

Looking hurt, Glen said, “He knows me.”

Demi glanced at Rudy who sat with his head down, not paying any attention to their conversation and whispered, “True. But he already tried to go after Rudy earlier when we were putting him in the back of his truck. I don’t want him getting all riled up again. Doc says we need to keep him calm.”

“Okay. You’re right. I’ll come home and see how you’re getting on as soon as I can.”

“Thanks, Glen.” She walked back into the waiting room of the clinic and tried Whit’s number again. This time she got through.

“Oh, Whit. I’m glad I caught you.”

“I’m sorry, Demi. Did you try earlier? I had my headphones on, working the Dragon program. Can’t hear the ringtone then.”

“I have a situation here. My truck died halfway home. I’m back in town with Nito. Look, there’s been a slight hitch.”

“What kind of a hitch? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. It’s Nito. We were attacked by some wild dogs on the way home.”

“Nito’s with you? How? You were in the truck.”

“It stalled, and I started walking back to the cabin. The other dogs came out of nowhere.”

“I don’t understand. How did Nito get involved?”

“I screamed, and he appeared. Weird, I know. But true. Protecting me, he got chewed up pretty bad. When I couldn’t reach you, I got a hold of Glen. He and Rudy came to get us and brought us back to town to the vets. Nito is in there now. Doc had to put him out to get him stitched up.”

“Holy shit. I knew I loved that brute.”

Demi laughed and found it to be an amazing stress reliever. She felt instantly better.

“Will he be okay?”

“Nito scared him, but you know old doc. He jumped back and let me calm the beast before he’d get near him again.”

Humor now obvious, Whit said, “I was talking about the wolf.”