Laughing over her mistake, she admitted, “He’s lost a lot of blood, but Doc says he’ll be fine. Just needs to be looked after. Thankfully he can’t reach the worst of his wounds, or he’d be all over the stitches. He’ll be weak until the anesthesia completely wears off in a few hours.”

“I’ll be right there. We’ll get him home, don’t worry.”

“Thanks.” She hung up and slumped onto the bench, her hands rubbing her face.

Yeah, don’t worry.


Chapter Twenty-three

“I can handle him.” Whit tried arguing about carrying the wolf alone, but Demi wouldn’t have it.

“Fine, you want to undo all the good so far, make your eyes get all weak again. You carry him. But so you know, he’s starting to come to, and he’s in a foul mood.”

Before Whit could reply, Glen approached. “I’ll help you. I need a ride back to the house anyway. Rudy’s busy.”

Whit nodded. “Good. You take his front end and I’ll carry his back end.”

“You take his front end,” Glenn said. “He already tried to bite me earlier.”

Demi stepped forward to quiet the animal who’d started to fuss. “I’ll carry his front. One of you support his hind end. Let’s go.”

Whit added, “I put a quilt in the back seat so he should be fine to lay there as long as you stay with him.”

Ten minutes later they were on their way back to the cabin when Whit slowed down by her truck on the side of the road. “What happened again? When you went to start Blue?”

“Nothing. The engine didn’t even turn over. Just a clicking sound.”

“We’ll come back tomorrow and jump start it with my truck. I carry boosters for times like this.”

Nito began struggling. “Good. No more talking, just keep moving. When it’s quiet, he seems more relaxed being in the vehicle. I’ll tell you everything after we get him home.”

Within a short time, they had his old blanket tossed on the floor in front of the fireplace and had laid the dog on his good side. The second his body hit the floor, Pearl was there licking at his wounds and nuzzling against his muscled chest. Having her beside him seemed to calm the wolf, and he sighed and relaxed back with his eyes closed.

Demi went to the kitchen to begin preparing supper, all the while planning on how she could broach the subject of Glen. Both men had disappeared, one to gather more wood and the other to sweep the fallen snow off the porch and steps.

As she fried the moose steaks she had marinating, she puzzled through the best way to approach the delicate subject. After seeing Rudy’s drunken manner earlier today, she understood without a doubt the time had come to bring her fears into the open.

Just then, Whit appeared with the second small load and placed the logs in the wood box, then took off his coat and hung it on the rack. He removed his boots, put on his moccasins, and came to wrap his arms around her waist from behind. Not one to show a lot of affection other than in the bedroom, she appreciated this gesture.

He nuzzled her neck, kissing there gently. “It was a close call today, wasn’t it? You can tell me. With you here safely in my arms, now is the best time. Trust me.”

And so she described what had happened and was shocked at the very few words it took. After all, going through what had seemed like a major incident in her life had really only taken minutes. And the telling of it sounded a bit insignificant. Yet it could have been the end of her.

Life in this wild country, the vulnerabilities, the critical dangers were nothing like one would face in a big city. Strange how magical it could be… yet with so many hidden dangers.

She leaned back against him and understood that her trustful gesture made him happy. He sighed and snuggled closer. She should be aware of his needs more often. Just because she had difficulties being affectionate and open in her feelings, didn’t mean he suffered from the same crippling behavior.

Hadn’t Norrie just warned her to be more giving, let him see how much she cared. Before she could question him about the earlier phone call from his doctor, Glen came back inside, brushing the snow off his body.

“It’s really starting to come down now. Could turn into a storm.”

Remembering that last one, Demi answered, “God, I hope not.”

Whit left her to fetch some potatoes to peel and Glen began gathering the makings for a salad. Whit and Glen conversed easily, while she let her mind wander. They worked together so well, and that gave her hope that when she broached the subject of Glen’s drinking they would be able to discuss it rationally.

Just as they finished their meal, Nito began to growl and tried to force himself to his feet. Understanding the warning, they all looked toward the darkened window to see headlights shining from the parking area.